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A man being held at gunpoint is spared when his four assailants are shot dead. Pride is dreaming about listening to his mother playing piano and singing when his father Cassius comes to pick him up. The dead men were all members of a white-nationalist group known as the True Guard. Cassius hasn't reported to his parole officer recently. Raleigh P.D. had photos of Cassius meeting with Jimmy Boyd, who was spared in the shootout. Pride finds a bloody Cassius locked up inside the house Boyd inherited after his team takes out three more members of the Old Guard. The captured woman Arlene tells Pride and Hannah that Cassius and Boyd were trying to retrieve the money from the River Grand Casino heist decades before. Pride and Cassius get into it. Pride goes to interview Gina Powell, a heist survivor. Jimmy is Pride's illegitimate brother. They meet at Pride's apartment and Jimmy tells him that he had nothing to do with the shooting. Cassius escapes from the hospital. Jimmy takes Pride to a club where he says Cassius will be. Pride gets Dario the counterfeiter to admit where he would be meeting Cassius. Gina becomes a suspect in orchestrating the heist. Gunmen attack and Cassius flees, but Jimmy gets taken by them. Pride sets up a roadblock to stop Cassius. He had stashed the casino funds in his old Caddy. Gina told him to get rid of it. Pride confronts Gina and Todd Jamieson about the heist. He'll give her the money for Jimmy, but Todd insists on Cassius as well. Todd kills Gina, then his gunmen shoot up Cassius's Caddy. No one was in the car. Pride's team attacks, but Todd gets a drop on Pride before Jimmy holds a gun on him. Cassius goes into witness protection. 

NCIS: New Orleans
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NCIS: New Orleans Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Born into violence, it seems.

Angel [to Pride]

Hannah: I guess that apple fell far from that tree.
Patton: Make that the orchard.