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-Dr. Dani treats Griffin, a news anchor who can't control his laughter while on-air. Dani helps him stay in control while on set, but Griffin's wife tells Dani that he has rage issues at home and is drinking heavily.

-Griffin decides he wasn't meant to be an anchor and makes plans to go back on the road as a war correspondent. Dani realizes he isn't running from his job but from his family.

-Griffin has male postpartum depression and needs help coping with being a new father, something he finds scarier than war.

-TK hurts his knee and starts a twitter war when Matt won't let him play in Sundays game. He says he'd rather be traded. 

-Dani suggests that instead of fighting TK, the team give him what he wants. They leak a story about trading him to Minnesota.

-TK admits he just wants to feel more in control of his career. He agrees to Matt's treatment and decides to stay with the Hawks.

-When Dani wants to meet Lindsay's boyfriend, Lindsay sends in a preppy ringer instead of the real Trent who has purple hair and a lip ring. Dani catches on and surprises Lindsay by inviting the real Trent over to their house.

-Dani's singles dating party is a disaster as she continues to lust after Matt.

Necessary Roughness
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Necessary Roughness Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Janet: Who's Trent?
Dani: Apparently he is a class ditching delinquent who is missing my daughter's hotness. This is awful.

My first divorce was like Vietnam. The second, kind of like a sit in.
