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Evie continues on her list with Xavier but she starts to doubt his sanity when he interrupts a book reading to spread awareness of his apocalypse theory. She asks Hank to do some digging online on Xavier but he can't find anything which is very weird. Xavier and Hank end up meeting, which turns into them becoming friends.

Deirdre keeps giving Hank gifts for his chair but doesn't see it working, it all comes to a head at game night when Hank reveals that he has an internet girlfriend and manages to get an eargasm from Deirdre at the same time.

Evie's birthday turns into a party, but things don't start off so well when Xavier shows up since she still isn't sure what she thinks of him yet. Xavier wins everyone over with his advice to live each day to the fullest and it gets even better when he presents Evie with a cake for every birthday she will have. He also manages to create a food fight, something she wanted to do off her bucket list. But that's all ruined when he mentions the apocalypse in front of everyone.

They fight over their views on his theory, with them deciding to go to an expert to hear her input. In the end they decide to stay together even if they don't agree with everything.

Timothy isn't leaving the house after realizing that he won't win Evie back so instead he gets Hank to order some things for him online. He ends up with a fitness band that he didn't order, something that's been happening a lot at the warehouse, which he keeps and which motivates him to get out of his funk. 

No Tomorrow
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No Tomorrow Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Stand back Evie. I'm diving deep and you don't want get hit with the backsplash.


Do you think Xavier is crazy?
