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Jasmine finds Aladdin in Agrabah and convinces him to go on a journey with her to the Cave of Wonders. 

If they can find the diamond in the rough, they can defeat Jafar, who has taken over the kingdom. 

But Jasmine soon realizes that the diamond in the rough is not an object at all, but Aladdin himself. He is the Savior.

In present day, Jasmine worries about where Aladdin is now, and with the help of the heroes sets off to find him.

Emma finally confesses the Oracle vision to her family, after some prompting the Evil Queen disguised as Archie. While her parents and Henry are supportive, Killian feels hurt. 

When Emma meets Aladdin in present day, he shocks her by announcing that he gave up his Savior powers using a pair of scissors that he received from Jafar. Emma decides to get rid of the scissors, and gives Killian the job of disposing of them. 

He doesn't, and hides them from Emma instead.

The Evil Queen treats Zelena to a day at the spa, where she convinces her little sister that being wicked is much more fin than being one of the good guys. Wicked seems to agree with Zelena, who decides that she wants her daughter to love her for who she is, wicked and all.


Once Upon a Time
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Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 5 Quotes

Shareen: She was helping me find a man who I cared about a long time ago.
Emma: Aladdin?
Shareen: You know him?
Emma: No, I just saw the movie - it's a this world thing.

I want you to help me defeat Jafar.
