Socks In Bed - Only Murders In The Building Season 2 Episode 5
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Will works on a family tree project with his son.

Will finds a picture of his dad, Oliver, from the '70s.

Young Oliver plays a card game with a group of friends at a party. Will narrates, saying Oliver was honing the skill of knowing when someone is lying to him. Young Oliver explains the game -- Son Of Sam -- where one person is the killer, the rest innocent.

Later, when Oliver is a bit older, he hosts another party. A young Will hides and watches, as Oliver tries to figure out who among the partygoers is the Son of Sam. Oliver spots Will.

Will runs back to bed, and Oliver comes in. Oliver asks Will if he was out of bed. Will lies, Oliver tickles him, and Will admits he did. Will asks how Oliver knew. Oliver explains that all liars have a tell -- in this case, it was Will's socks and a door ajar.

Oliver says Roberta (his wife) isn't the Son of Sam tonight because she was eating cheese, which she only does when relaxed. Oliver tells Will he loves him and says goodnight.

Oliver reemerges into the party. He studies his guests. He zeroes in on Teddy Dimas, accusing him of being the Son of Sam. Teddy shows his card -- Oliver was correct.

Will continues to make the family tree with his son.

Charles and Jan chat at the prison with glass between them. Jan says she's worried about them and asks if they are "okay."

Charles asks for her help with Bunny's murder case. He says they only know Bunny was killed with a knife, and the killer put a knitting needle in the wound to incriminate him, Oliver, and Mabel.

Jan asks if they have any theories. Charles suggests Nina Lin, but Jan shoots the theory down. She tells him that the killer is a storyteller, and artists never finish their story in the middle. It will be someone who is staying close to him.

Alice and Mabel chat on the phone. Mabel is going through the secret passageways at the Arconia. Alice's ceiling is leaking brown liquid, and she's supposed to be hosting a party that evening. She asks if she could host it at Mabel's place.

Mabel climbs up through a grate into her apartment. She agrees to host the party, and they hang up. Mabel spots a matchbook underneath the grate. It's from the Pickle Diner. It has a drop of red on it.

Will and Oliver rehearse with the flying monkeys. Will is happy to have Oliver's help. Oliver is proud Will is carrying on the family tradition of directing theater.

Will mentions they have taken an ancestry test for the family tree project and could use a contribution from Oliver. Oliver gets a text from Mabel and has to go. He hugs his grandson Henry goodbye and leaves.

Oliver returns to Mabel's, where she and Charles have the matchbook (holding it with tweezers). They examine the spot on it, wondering if it is blood or ketchup. Mabel figures the killer must have dropped the matchbook before going down the secret passageway in her closet.

Charles wonders if Bunny was saying "passage" instead of "savage." Mabel says it was all a blur -- she doesn't remember clearly. Charles and Oliver start going on about the Iran Contra hearings until Mabel stops them. They return to the matchbook, wondering if it belonged to the killer.

The trio goes to the Pickle Diner. Ivan gives them a list of his regulars. Charles says the killer is a storytelling artist of some kind. Mabel mentions the secret passageways, trying to be discrete, but Oliver and Charles can't hear her, so she speaks up.

The Arconiacs at the table nearby overhear. Marv mentions he does mold removal in the Arconia and knows about the passageways. Charles says that the killer is toying with them and would thus be trying to get close to them. He asks if anyone new been trying to get close to them.

Mabel's phone pings. It's Alice. Mabel explains that though Alice is an artist, she's not a killer, and they've just been on a few dates.

Marv mentions that his daughter came out recently. Mabel says Alice is throwing a party at Mabel's place. Charles and Oliver invite themselves. The Arconiacs are pleased about this turn of events.

Oliver and Charles arrive at the party. Mabel introduces them to Alice. Alice recognizes Charles from a Swedish film in which he played a bit part. She compliments Oliver's waistcoat.

Mabel pulls Alice away. Oliver thinks Alice is behaving suspiciously, but Charles has warmed to her. Oliver gets an idea. He leaves and returns with his Son of Sam deck.

Oliver hands out pills and then switches the lights off. When he turns it back on, it's the '70s. He hands out cards and explains the game -- he will turn out the lights again, the killer will pinch someone who will then "die," and then they have to figure out who the killer is.

The first victim falls. Mabel accuses Charles. Everyone agrees, but Charles shows his card -- he's just an innocent. There is another blackout, and another, and another, until it's down to Mabel and Alice.

Oliver accuses Alice of lying, citing her playing with her hair as a tell. He thinks she's up to something. Alice confesses that she doesn't come from an artistic family, nor did she attend Oxford, but she wanted to forge some legitimacy and fabricated this story.

Upset and humiliated, she leaves the room, giving Oliver her "innocent" card. Mabel is disappointed in Oliver, as is Charles, even though he initially backed him.

Later, Oliver sees a man in black putting something underneath Bunny’s door in the hallway. Oliver waits for the man to leave and then goes over to the door and pulls it out. It's an envelope full of money. On the front, it reads, "For Ivan - - My Favorite, xo xo xo."

Mabel knocks on the bathroom door, where Alice has been hiding. Mabel says she's mad at Oliver and Charles and at Alice for lying. Alice explains how much she struggled until she started making things up about herself. She apologizes for lying to Mabel.

Mabel says everyone lies sometimes and lists off a few instances when she has lied. Alice asks if they are okay. Mabel confirms that she's happy she now knows the truth. They kiss and embrace.

Charles chats with Jan on the phone. Jan is amused that Mabel is dating an actual artist. Charles reiterates that he and Jan are no longer a couple, but Jan insists there is still something between them.

Oliver goes to the Pickle Diner to talk to Ivan. Ivan says after the way they spoke about Bunny this morning, he thought he should return the money as he doesn't want any trouble.

Ivan explains that Bunny was his regular for seven years and tipped him well, maybe seeing him as a grandson or perhaps something else. Oliver asks if Ivan could tell him anything unusual about Bunny's final days. Ivan points to the security camera.

Charles and Jan continue their phone call. They have one minute left. Jan recalls the blueberry bagels they had the morning after they first had sex. The call ends, and Charles is alone.

Ivan shows Oliver the security footage, saying he had taken the day off, but Bunny had met with someone the day before she died -- someone who pissed her off. Unfortunately, the person's identity is not discernable in the footage. However, the figure picks up a matchbook on their way out.

Will visits Oliver.

Mabel and Alice lie in bed together. In Alice's purse is the Son of Sam card.

Charles visits Jan in prison and brings her blueberry bagels.

Oliver sends the video of the footage to Mabel and Charles.

Will asks Oliver about the DNA test. Oliver has always claimed to be 100% Irish, but Will's test came back showing he is half-Greek. Will’s mother is Black, and so Will wonders how this could be possible. Oliver realizes that Teddy must be Will's biological father.

Only Murders In the Building
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