"Endless Forms Most Beautiful"

Can Alison, Cosima and Sarah trust their creators? That's the major question on the Orphan Black finale.

"Unconscious Selection"

Sarah actually rescues Helena on this Orphan Black episode. Meanwhile, Cosima faces the truth about Delphine.

"Entangled Bank"

Paul tries to hide Sarah's existence on this episode of Orphan Black, while Alison takes major vengeance on her alleged monitor.

"Parts Developed in an Unusual Manner"

The Neolutionists discover Sarah is not Beth on this episode of Orphan Black. Elsewhere, Delphine pushes Cosima towards Dr. Leekie.

"Variations Under Domestication"

Alison goes a bit nuts on this episode of Orphan Black. It's totally and completely awesome!

"Conditions of Existence"

The clones learn something rather important on this episode of Orphan Black: they have monitors.

"Effects of External Conditions"

Alison makes like Sarah on this episode of Orphan Black. Elsewhere, Sarah runs into someone responsible for the clone deaths.

"Variation Under Nature"

Sarah meets Cosima on this episode of Orphan Black. She also poses again as Beth.


Sarah poses as Katia on this episode of Orphan Black. She's all about finding answer.

"Natural Selection"

Sarah Manning witnesses the suicide of someone who looks just like her on the Orphan Black premiere. And the craziness just goes from there!

Orphan Black Quotes

Alison: Felix, are you high?
Felix: I didn't know there was going to be a huge emergency, did I?

C'mon. Get your shit together you silly tit!
