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Sarah fights to stay alive on Susan's island, attempting to evade the Neolution people from the village as well as a mysterious something living in the woods, which attacks her. She tries to get to Cosima. She also calls Felix and tasks him with rescuing Mrs. S and Kira from Ferdinand.

Cosima, meanwhile, is confused about what is going on at the village and with Delphine. Delphine hides Cosima's cure away before she is sent off to Sardinia. She also clues Cosima into the fact that the village is the heart of Neolution and that they are working on the extension of human life (which explains how Westmorland is over 170 years old). A young woman named Mud shows Cosima around and is tasked with keeping an eye on her.

Elsewhere, Art is given a new partner, Detective Enger, who turns out to be a Neolutionist. She threatens his daughter's life if he doesn't help Enger find Alison, Donnie, and Helena. They find Alison and take her in. Enger insists that Rachel wants a truce. Meanwhile, Donnie and Helena escape, but Helena is stabbed in the stomach in the process of fighting off a Neolutionist. Donnie helps get her to the hospital.

Scott and his comic book shop friend interrogate Ira with Felix. Ira is unable to (or refuses to) give them more information. They try to track down MJ so she can find the others. Felix goes to retrieve Kira's laptop in order to make contact with MJ, but is found and taken in by a Neolutionist named Frontenac.

Rachel gives a speech to the assembled villagers about how Neolution's goals are finally within grasp and how they will all be the first to drink from the fountain.

After Delphine leaves in a hurry to go to Sardinia, Cosima goes to retrieve the cure treatment from where Delphine hid it. There, Sarah finds her. Cosima refuses to leave with Sarah, wanting to stay behind so she can save them all. Sarah reluctantly leaves Cosima behind.

After Sarah leaves, Rachel finds Cosima as she's preparing to inject the cure into her own uterine wall. Rachel stops Cosima and injects her herself, without harming Cosima. She tells Cosima that PT wants Cosima involved, and that together, Rachel and Cosima will save them all.

Sarah almost makes it out on the boat, but is found and captured by Rachel and the village Neolutionists.

Orphan Black
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Orphan Black Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

Felix: Oh my god! I almost hit you with a pan!
Art: Yeah, well, I almost shot you, so we're even.

Mud: Tweedle Small and Tweedle Tall!
Cosima [to Charlotte]: Ignore her.