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Raq confronts Kanan about the bloody shirt under his bed, and Kanan lies about what happened at the stash house, though Raq doesn’t believe him.

Marvin and Lou-Lou fight after Raq confronts Marvin about the stash house hit.

Howard finds out from his doctor that none of his relatives are a match for a bone marrow transplant.

Raq buys an apartment, and the one down below, as a means to set up a new stash house. After Jukebox wonders if Davina could have given up the stash location, she and Kanan fight. Later, he confronts Scrap, believing him to be a traitor and the two clash. Unaware that Howard and Burke are tailing him, Kanan is brought to the police station.

Kanan calls Symphony to pick him up, and he agrees not to tell Raq.

After hearing that Crown has money issues, Lou-Lou pays his staff and then demands that Jukebox join Famous’s song.

Jukebox and Nicole are caught making out by Nicole’s mom, who forbids Jukebox from seeing Nicole anymore.

Raq teaches Kanan how to cook crack.

Scrap meets with Unique and tells him that he wants to switch sides.

Howard figures out he is Kanan’s father and confronts Raq.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan
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Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Burke: Neighbors said that there was some sort of car crash outside and they heard multiple shots fired, but no one saw anything.
Howard: No one sees anything. And then bodies start turning up.

Raq: You were there with your Uncle Marvin. Yeah, the stash house, Kanan. He told me what happened, but somehow forgot to mention that you were there. I wonder why.
Kanan: I was just going to get some money Scrap owed me. Saw Uncle Marvin there loading up his car, said he ain't need help but I wasn't gonna let him do that alone.
Raq: Right. Cuz you like that. You always wanting to lend a helping hand. Like when I ask you to help me with the dishes, every damn night, and you don't do shit.