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As Vic recuperates in the hospital, Walter tells him that he believes Tommy was involved in his ambush and Gloria's death. He wants to go after the Serbs and Tommy.

Tommy meets with D-Mac, who counts money for him and tells him that he's intelligent and young enough to do more with his life.

JP tells his father that he's determined to find Darnell.

Walter beckons Claudia home, where he tells her about Vic's shooting and Gloria's death. He needs her to be there for Vic.

When Vic tells her about the events leading up to the shooting and his belief that Tommy is involved, Claudia struggles to believe it. But once again, Walter insists Tommy was involved and tells her that she's either with the family or against them.

Liliana tells Tommy that the word on the street is Vic was shot but survived. However, there is no word on Gloria.

As Claudia ignores Tommy's calls, Walter tells his daughter that he's putting a war room together and wants Claudia there. He explains that Vic's shooting made him realize that he needs his kids with him. He also implores Claudia to make sure Vic doesn't go after Tommy on his own.

With both Claudia and Vic on his side again, Walter tells Paulie that he wants to eradicate the Serbs and Tommy and tells him to call the Four Horsemen.

Tommy looks for Gloria, to no avail. And later, he and JP get into an argument after JP admits to calling Kate.

D-Mac runs into Marshall, who apologizes to him and tells him about Jenard going to Cousin Buddy behind his back. The two then come up with a plan to get back at CBI.

Lt. Warshawski demands $50K from Bennigan, or he will out him to the department. Bennigan later goes to Diamond and holds him at gunpoint to get the cash.

Knowing that Tommy is behind dahlia, Jenard and Blaxton discuss taking over dahlia and wanting to overthrow Diamond, unaware that Diamond has overheard their conversation.

Liliana tells Tommy that the Irish mob is coming into town. Tommy then talks to Claudia, who confronts him about possibly setting Vic up. Tommy denies it. Claudia tells Tommy that Gloria is dead and infers that Walter told her Tommy was responsible for the shooting.

Tommy goes to Diamond and asks for help with hitters, fearing a threat from Walter. Diamond says no.

Tommy then decides to meet with Mirković, who tells him he'll give Tommy hitters for 1.5 million. In exchange, Tommy tells him that Walter is coming after him. Tommy also throws in extra money for the man who killed Gloria, and once he gets it, he kills the man.

Claudia sees Tommy and Mirković together, thus buying into the notion that they're working together. She and Vic then pledge their loyalty to the family.

Marshall and D-Mac go to Cousin Buddy and tell him they can get him a direct line to dahlia and sit down with the connect. Buddy runs this information to Jenard.

After D-Mac tells Tommy about the plan with the guys from Gary, he and Tommy argue, and he tells D-Mac that he's his uncle. Later, the two reconcile and are headed to talk to JP when they are shot at. D-Mac is struck in the abdomen.

Tommy calls JP to the hospital, where he tells him the kid whose been vandalizing his store is his son and has been shot.

The Flynns meet with the Irish mob and prepare to go to war with the Serbs and Tommy.

Power Book IV: Force
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Power Book IV: Force Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Claudia: I can't believe Gloria's dead.
Walter: It's a fucking tragedy.
Claudia: He really loved her, Da.
Walter: I know that.

Tommy: You like the smartest kid I ever seen. Know I used to know somebody like you once. Yeah, could do figures in his head. Always buried in a book.
D-Mac: Word. What he do?
Tommy: Same shit I do. Now he dead.