Tommy & Diamond On Alert - Power Book IV: Force Season 2 Episode 4
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Jenard continues to use and hallucinates seeing Lil K's body.

The task force convenes, and Bobby tasks Hardwick and Vargas with keeping eyes on Tommy while he and the police scour the streets, looking for someone who will talk.

Tommy picks up Mireya for her driving lessons, and the two go to a parking lot so she can practice driving a stick shift. Vargas and Hardwick take pictures of them but lose them to an ongoing train when Mireya races it and narrowly gets by.

Paulie tells Walter he wants to talk to Brendan, but Walter forbids it.

Leon's mom visits Diamond at the barbershop and sets Leon up to take boxing lessons with Diamond.

Jenard and Treason start cutting their product, and he lies when pressed about Lil K. The Serbs hit him up and tell him they want their money that day.

Tommy and Mireya head to the zoo, but one of Rojas's men spots Tommy there. When he follows Tommy into the bathroom, he tells him he doesn't care about the deal with Rojas and attacks him. The two fight and Tommy kills him before leaving his body there. He then cuts the day with Mireya short and asks her to meet that evening.

D-Mac shows Marshall the gun he has and tells him he won't be caught slipping again. He then tries to talk with Genesis, a girl he used to know, but she blows him off.

Claudia tells Vic that she has a deal that will get them out from under Walter, but she needs his help for distribution. Vic declines and tells her about his plan to weaken Walter from the inside. She tells Vic to go by Gloria's bar because Walter is playing him for a fool.

Seamus goes to the shop and demands Diamond get him $50K that evening, or he will mess with his parole. Tommy sees the exchange from outside and later asks Diamond if Seamus came by asking about a body. Diamond lies to Tommy about what Seamus wanted, and Tommy tells Diamond about the body at the zoo. Diamond then says he will get his girl on the inside to handle Rojas.

Vic goes to Gloria's bar and discovers it's become a strip club.

Tommy and D-Mac convene at the house, and D-Mac tells him he wants his old life back. Tommy tells him to find something else to do and use his knowledge.

Tommy sees Bobby and the police rounding up some of their soldiers.

Paulie meets with Brendan behind Walter's back and gives him money. He asks Brendan to provide Walter with more time to pay him back, and Brendan says he will consider it.

Vargas and Hardwick show Bobby and Stacy the pictures of Tommy and Mireya and ID her. Bobby is then informed that one of the women they picked up has information on a murder that involves their investigation.

Later, Alecia identifies Vic as the person who killed Collin in Power Book IV: Force Season 1 Episode 3. But she does not identify Tommy.

D-Mac finds Genesis and asks her out, and she tells him to call her.

Diamond meets with Leon for their first boxing session.

Claudia meets with Mirković and tells him she wants to join forces to sell pills. She tells him Jenard and Diamond aren't estranged, and with Tommy, they're taking over the territories and prison. He says he won't work with Walter, and she says she will be the point person.

Jenard goes to Shanti, and she tells him the money is coming in slowly. He admits to killing Lil K and tells her she's either with him or not. She says she's with him and questions whether or not he's using, which he denies.

Walter meets with Brendan at the bar and gives him some of the money he owes. Brendan then tells him about Paulie's payment.

Jenard meets with Miguel, who asks why he missed his re-up. He then pulls a knife on Jenard and gives him 1-2 days to make payment. Mireya comes in to give Miguel his shot, and she and Jenard lock eyes.

Diamond meets Seamus in his car to give him his money, and Tommy again sees them together. Seamus asks for more money to be delivered by Diamond that night, or he's going back to jail.

Later, Tommy pulls a gun on Diamond and accuses him of being a snitch. Diamond then admits to lying to Tommy and tells him about his arrangement with Seamus. Tommy asks him to set up a meeting with Seamus.

Some men from Treason, including Greyskull, come to Jenard asking if they have seen Lil K. Jenard lies at first until they get word that Lil K is dead. Jenard eventually confesses to the murder, which sparks a fight between him and Greyskull, along with other members of Treason. Eventually, several members of Treason walk away from Jenard.

Claudia tells Vic about working with the Serbs, and he's initially reluctant. He tells her Walter can't find out they're working with the Serbs or they're dead, and she tells him she wants to kill Walter. Eventually, Vic agrees.

Mireya goes to Tommy's for dinner, and the two dance and kiss before Diamond texts him for the meet-up with Seamus.

JP offers D-Mac piano lessons and gives him money for his date with Genesis.

Jenny Su warns Diamond about the task force and CBI being high on their list.

Diamond meets with Seamus in the shop's basement and gives him the money. Tommy then emerges and tells Seamus they want him to be their inside man, but after he pulls his gun on Tommy and Diamond, D-Mac shows up and shoots Seamus in the head.

Power Book IV: Force
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Power Book IV: Force Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Vic: Okay, then. What the fuck do you want Claud?
Claudia: I have a deal that will get us out from under Da. Permanently.
Vic: Jesus. You never fucking learn, do you?

Tommy: This is some first-time shit for me. You know, I ain't never been to a zoo before.
Mireya: Keep hanging out with me, there's gonna be a lot of first times.
Tommy: Yeah. That a promise?
Mireya: It's a fact.