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Tommy takes the product from Liliana, and he works with her to cut it.

Vic picks up his men from the police station and talks to Bennigan, who is their cop inside the precinct. He tells them they have a problem with an alderman and not the police.

JP tells Tommy that he needs over $100,000 to get everything he needs in order.

Bennigan records an argument between Diamond and Jenard while they’re playing baseball.

Walter enlists Claudia to convince the alderman to set a price and stop shaking down their men.

Tommy meets with Walter and presents them with a proposition to diversify his business by getting into selling coke. Walter agrees to listen.

Walter asks Tommy and Vic to work together and move weight to one of his clients, but things go south immediately, and Vic has to kill the man.

Eventually, Walter agrees to a meeting with Diamond.

After Tommy approaches them, Diamond and Jenard disagree about meeting with the Flynn’s. The two engage in a boxing match to see who will lead CBI, and Diamond wins, allowing Tommy to set the meeting with Walter.

At the meeting, Tommy proposes that CBI move powder up north and the Flynn’s move pills down south, but Walter uses the meeting to bring up a past grudge, and Diamond walks away from the meeting.

Cops take pictures of Tommy after he exits the meeting.

Jenard admits that he lost the fight with Diamond on purpose as part of a larger plan.

Claudia approaches Tommy for the first time.

Claudia and Mai decide to work together with a new drug.

Tommy and Gloria hook up again.

Power Book IV: Force
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Power Book IV: Force Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Liliana: Is Ghost gonna be coming down to Chicago to get down on this?
Tommy: Nah.
Liliana: You two finally decided to break up?
Tommy: Ghost dead.
Liliana: You do it?
Tommy: Nah. But I couldn't stop it neither.
Liliana: Sorry for your loss.
Tommy: Yeah. Me too.

Liliana: I don't fuck white boys.
Tommy: Nah?
Liliana: You asses are too much trouble.
Tommy: That's true.