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Angela is given 24 hours to decide whether she will take a plea deal with the FEDS or not. She goes to Ghost, Tasha and Tommy and details the case against her and what they have to do in order to stay out of jail. 

Tasha is tasked with getting Keisha to stay quiet and also keeping Silver close. She isn't aware at first the Silver is working with the FEDS in an effort to keep her safe. 

Tommy, still struggling with Teresi's death, pushes Keisha away but then realizes he needs to keep her close. And after a tense meeting with Tasha, Keisha shows her loyalty to Tommy. 

Angela tells Dre to lie to the FEDS and tell them that Alicia is the one who ordered the hits on Lobos and Sandoval, in exchange for him getting witness protection. After he is ambushed at his home, Dre tells 2-Bit that he is going to tell the FEDS the truth about Ghost and Tommy ordering the hits on Lobos and Sandoval. 

2-Bit tells Tommy this, as well as the deal Ghost and Dre made previously, and Tommy tells Angela what Dre is up to. They set a trap for Dre, in which he is lead to Steve, who offers him protection in exchange for him agreeing that Alicia ordered the hits. 

Believing their case to be over, Mak decides to leave for a job in Washington, but Saxe goes to Tommy and tells him that Teresi wasn't actually willing to turn on him in the end. This leads Tommy and Tasha to Angela, who think she needs to die. But Angela is able to talk herself out of it.

Proctor tells Ghost that even though the Lobos and Sandoval murders can't be proven, there is still a witness out there willing to testify against Ghost. He heavily implies this woman is Angela. 

Later, Ghost and Angela meet and Angela confront each other about the witness the FEDS have and whether or not Ghost killed Silver, because he is now missing. While they are comforting one another, Angela spots Tommy getting ready to shoot Ghost in the back and she moves him out of the way and gets shot in the chest. 

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Power Season 5 Episode 10 Quotes

Angela: None of you trust me after everything I've done for each one of you. For you Tasha.
Tasha: I know, okay. And I'm not ignoring that. But you're just like Ghost, you always put yourself first.

Tommy: We gotta check this bitch for a wire.
Tasha: Yeah.
Tommy & Tasha [to Ghost]: Not you!