Watch Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 17 Online to find out what dangerous position Hanna finds herself in. Caleb, of course, went along for the ride.

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Watch Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 17 Online to find out how Hanna deals with the storage locker.

Hanna has been brancing out a lot on her own lately, much to the chagrin of the other liars. When she finds out the storage locker is in her name, she immediately wants to clear anything that could land her in a jail cell next to Ali. After all, she knows she is being framed.

Hanna and Caleb head to the locker, after he tries to talk her out of it, but there's nothing left but the barrel. She's not ready to be the one to open it. When Hanna and Caleb are leaving, they run into Toby and Detective Tanner.

Toby shares his theory about Holbrook and Tanner does not approve. Furthermore, she says that if it turns out those were Mona's remains in the barrel, his friends are getting questioned first. She reminds him who he works for. This whole situation pushes Toby and Spencer further apart.

Aria shows Ezra the letter. At first he doesn't care much, but after another few reads realizes that he doesn't want to be the one holding her back in college as may have in high school.

Talia flirts with Emily. Jason flirts with Ashley.

Episode Details

On Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 17 "The Bin of Sin" Hanna decides to take matters into her own hands when it comes to the storage locker and the barrel.

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Pretty Little Liars
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