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Jughead is writing an article while Percival Pickens is meditating. Jughead reveals that Percival shut down the borders out of town; the local news station was shut down.

Cheryl, Heather, and Tabitha perform a ritual to seal the Hellmouth under Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe.

Reggie reveals that Percival has cleared out all the weapons gathered at his shop. Reggie saves the painting of Hiram Lodge before he and Cheryl burned Percival's shop down.

Jughead confirms that Alice, Tom, and Frank were executed. Betty is upset that her mother is dead; she is worried that they can't resurrect the victims because they don't have the bodies.

Moose returned to Riverdale to give Kevin support after his father's death.

Veronica checks in on Archie about Frank's death. Archie is strong and focuses on the battle plans; he wants to set up a meeting with Percival. He wants Veronica there to negotiate.

The Riverdale group meets to discuss their upcoming meeting with Percival. The debate ranges from giving Percival half of Riverdale, killing Percival with their powers, or potentially giving up their dead family members.

Tabitha informs Archie and Veronica about one of the possible futures, where they shot Percival with a gun during their meeting. At the meeting site, it's revealed that the Ghoulies are made up of mind-controlled Riverdale townsfolk.

During negotiations, Archie offers himself up to be Percival's prisoner to get the bodies back. Veronica offers to give up half of the town, but he rejects it. Percival wants to control all and gain control as revenge; he won't settle for anything less.

Veronica tries to shoot Percival, but the gun shoots out a flower instead. Percival gives the group one final chance to surrender; he even gives them the dead bodies as a show of good faith. Percival tells Twyla Twist that he has an idea to throw a wrench in their plans.

Before Cheryl is able to revive any of the parents, they discover that the heads are missing. Cheryl can't revive anyone without all the body parts.

Tabitha begs Jughead to leave Riverdale before the upcoming battle. Jughead rejects the offer as he wants to stay; Tabitha knew he'd say that.

Percival performs a ritual to mess with the Riverdale crew.

Bingo starts growling at Reggie while he's hanging out with Archie. Betty hears a noise and rushes down the stairs.

Jason talks weirdly to Cheryl before aiming an arrow at her. He shoots Heather in the shoulder; Cheryl makes a run for it.

Reggie stabs Archie in the gut with one of Percival's knives. Betty finds a zombified Glenn in the kitchen; he tries to attack her. Veronica's grandmother breaks into her home with a shotgun and starts shooting.

Tabitha feels a warning that one of the souls of Riverdale is dying.

Betty turns on a chainsaw and charges at Glenn. Veronica paralyzes her grandmother with a neurotoxin so they can talk. Reggie continues to stab Archie with the blade; he suffocates Reggie until he passes out.

Cheryl sets Jason on fire and kills him. Tabitha arrives in time to help Archie.

Veronica's grandmother is back to normal; she doesn't remember how she got the feeling to kill. Meanwhile, Polly came to check on Betty. Betty dismembered Glenn's zombified body.

Archie's wounds were healed after Bingo licked him. Reggie reveals that Percival suddenly went into his mind while he was thinking about his father.

Toni has an idea for them to break into the Ghoulie's hideout to take them down. She wants Tabitha to use her powers to age up Baby Anthony so that he could take down Percival.

Tabitha uses her powers to age up Baby Anthony into his adult form. Fangs leads a meeting with the Southside Serpents to take over the hideout. Tabitha knows that the battle at the Babylonium is one of the two ways how the group won against Percival.

Tabitha gets a great idea about calling on the multiple universes to fight.

Cheryl warns Archie that Bailey's Comet will be arriving the next day.

Percival tells Twyla that all the new Ghoulies, as well as herself, are merely shields to protect him. The Serpents break into the Babylonium and begin their fight against the Ghoulies.

Percival shoots down one person, but he fails to kill Anthony. Percival makes a run for it before Anthony can hurt him. Percival placed a spell that trapped everyone inside the building.

Tabitha reveals that the chances of survival were higher in Rivervale because the supernatural is real in that reality. Tabitha used her time powers to help the group rebuild the diner.

Archie and Percival start fighting outside the diner. Before Percival can win, he's distracted by the group and they get the upper hand on him.

Percival refuses to surrender. He performs a smoke spell that turned everyone's powers against them.

Jughead challenges Percival to a game of dominoes for the future of Riverdale. The loser will be lobotomized in the mind world. In Jughead's mind, Percival breaks in and begins tearing up the comic book memories.

Jughead reveals that it was all a trap to lure Percival in. Percival had been stabbed multiple times by the Rivervale crew; Jughead had used his portal powers to transport Percival to Rivervale through the door.

Tabitha and the group bring Percival to Mr. Cypher over 400 years ago in the past. Mr. Cypher rips up the contract. Percival dies from the contract being cut.

The group cheers over their success in defeating Percival.

The group found the severed heads hiding in the fridge. Cheryl brings the dead loved ones back to life.

Heather warns Cheryl of the comet and has her look into the telescope.

Tabitha isn't sure why Jughead survived, despite the fixed point. She thinks it was because she used Rivervale to win.

The town reunites with their loved ones and cleans up the mess. Cheryl and Heather warn everyone that Bailey's Comet is going to crash into Riverdale now; Percival did a spell to change the comet's direction.

Tabitha realizes the dark end of the town would come from the comet hitting the town.

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Riverdale Season 6 Episode 21 Quotes

Our villain’s name is Percival Pickens. He’s an immortal, interdimensional sorcerer whose power is growing by the hour. He wants to claim Riverdale or destroy it depending on the outcome of a war we’re pre-destined to lose.


Jughead: You know I’ve been looking forward to this. A test of our mental prowess. Must have I admire your hubris, and while your psychic abilities have been impressive, you’ll never break into my mind.
Percival Pickens: We’ll see about that. I’m a believer in beginner’s luck.