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Andy spies Juliet getting into someone’s car for a conversation and becomes suspicious. It’s Juliet telling her handler that she’s ready to talk and to arrange a meeting. 

Sam and Andy are blowing off the community baseball game to spend a romantic weekend at Oliver’s fishing cabin. She tells Sam she believes that Juliet is a mole. Sam tells her she should drop it which makes Andy suspicious.

On the way to the cabin, Sam and Andy stumble upon poison ivy and then find the cabin has been torn apart by a wild animal. They spend the day cleaning up. Sam says it’s similar to the last six months where he’s had the best of intentions but things have been a disaster and yet Andy is still here with him. Then he gets down on one knee and proposes. Shocked and thrilled Andy says yes. 

Later, Sam tells Andy that he believes Juliet has been sent to 15 Division from Internal Affairs in order to weed out the person who set the bomb in the evidence room. 

Gail hugs Steven when he sings her praises with the social worker for Sophie. She tries to look good by having a bigger presence at the community baseball game. 

A drive by shooting interrupts the game and two teens are shot. Dov gets a partial license plate number of the silver Mercedes that did the shooting. It leads back to gang leader Boz Shepherd whom Steve previously tried to put away but the case went away when the search warrant fell through. 

Boz says someone took his SUV and he has an alibi but one girl says she saw him in the SUV. The restaurant owner who was his alibi changes his story but Gail suspects that both witnesses are lying. She’s right, and eventually brings the right man to justice, much to Steve’s dismay. He’s upset because he feels that Gail didn’t have his back. 

Juliet meets with Noelle who is now working in Internal Affairs. She has a list of suspects who had possible access during the 20 minutes before the bomb went off. The suspects include Jarvis, Chris Diaz, Duncan Moore, and Oliver Shaw.

Rookie Blue
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Rookie Blue Season 6 Episode 6 Quotes

You ever notice the more you try to avoid somebody the hotter she looks?


I'm having Jamie flashbacks. She's still stalking me. Every time I see her it's like she's lost more of her marbles and I half think they're falling into her bra, I swear to God.
