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Gail tries to make a bucket list of things she can’t do once she adopts Sophie. Duncan overhears and thinks she’s dying. Later, when the two are partnered together for the day, Duncan shows off his hip hop dance moves for some kids. Instead of making fun of him, Gail asks if he can give her dance lessons but not tell anyone else at 15 about it. 

Chloe tries to get Dov’s attention but eventually realizes that it’s over between them and she has to deal with it. 

Chris and Dov track down Brody Simmons, a former MMA fighter and steroid abuser who broke out of prison by assaulting the doctor giving him cancer treatments. Brody believed he was going to die and wanted to get to his girlfriend. Turns out she thinks he’s crazy and that he’s not actually dying, a fact he would have learned if he hadn’t attacked his doctor. 

Jarvis closes the investigation into the evidence room bombing. Dov can’t let it go and makes copies of the files to take home. He and Marlo decide to continue the investigation on their own.

Nick’s brother, Finn calls him. Nick hasn’t seen him in two years. Finn is in a wheelchair. He’s been paralyzed since the accident that killed their parents. He tells Nick he spotted the guy who caused the accident. He gives Nick the information and tells him to go ahead with their plans.

Partnered with Juliet, Nick lies to her saying he has a migraine and that he gets them frequently and needs to take the rest of the day off. Later Juliet runs into Andy who tells her that Nick has never had a history of migraines. Juliet follows Nick and finds him at a bar with Marco Brunswick, the pathetic drunk who Nick believes killed his parents. Marco admits to leaving the scene of the accident because he was drunk but says that Nick’s brother was driving their car and it swerved into his lane, not the other way around.

Nick comes close to throwing Marco off the roof but when Juliet shows up, he arrests Marco instead of killing him. Later, he confronts his brother who admits to being the one behind the wheel. 

Rookie Blue
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Rookie Blue Season 6 Episode 4 Quotes

Nick: Did your psychic happen to tell you that someone tall and dark would offer to buy you a beer?
Juliet: No but my therapist did tell me to set clear boundaries.

Chloe: I don't want to have a drink with you. OK, I want to have a drink with Dov.
Duncan: That Dov. The same Dov that dumped you, broke your heart.