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On Roseanne Season 10 Episode 9, Dan is persistent to have Roseanne call to make an appointment for her knee surgery, but Roseanne protests by saying they don't have the money. Dan tells Roseanne he is going to hire undocumented workers because they cost less, but it will give them the money for the knee surgery. Roseanne is not on board with it as it could cause issues with Dan getting kicked out of the union. 

Unfortunately things go from bad to worse when Dan gets home to see the basement has flooded. Chuck comes over just as Dan is in the thick of things with the flooding and he goes off on Dan for deciding to go with cheaper workers. Dan tells him he would like to keep him around, but he is in charge of feeding four other people in the home while also trying to keep a strong front when things go bad. Chuck ends up leaving just as Roseanne gets home to see the damage from the flooding, but Dan keeps a positive attitude for the family and tells Roseanne to keep the family happy. 

Roseanne tries to keep the family distracted by going through boxes of old things which were in the basement. Eventually Darlene gets an alert the President may want to call a state of emergency which Dan is rooting for because they would get money from FEMA, but Dan would be able to do the job for half the cost while also having the money for Roseanne's surgery. The President calls the state of emergency, and the Conner family celebrates. 

You can rewatch this season anytime! Go watch Roseanne online now via TV Fanatic. 

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Roseanne Season 10 Episode 9 Quotes

Dan: Did you make the appointment for your knee surgery yet?
Roseanne: You know how doctors are, Dan. They say they can see you in a month and then when you tell them you can't stand the pain any longer they say, "We'll see you in a month."

Mom's yelling fine in the bathroom and I'm not going in.
