A Queen Prank - RuPaul's Drag Race
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The Winning Queens are waiting in the Werk Room for the Pork Chop queens. They decide on a prank to hide Elliott with 2 Ts to find out the truth of the vote. Elliott hides behind a partition before revealing herself.

Elliott defends herself after hearing why they voted her out. Tamisha gets into it when Elliott tries to turn the tables on her.

Loni Love is the guest judge.

The cast enters the Werk Room for the first time as a full group. Everyone asks who is single and Kandy Muse is happy to hear Joey Jay is single; Kandy has a crush on Joey. In confessional, Tina thinks she and Kandy will be great friends.

RuPaul reveals the eliminations are back in the competition. Someone will be eliminated this round.

The Maxi Challenge will have the queens starring in cheesy holiday movies for the RuPaulmark Channel. The movies will be about the other holidays of the year.

The groups are decided by random, but they can decide which queen does what role. Denali, Elliot, Kahmora, and Olivia Lux are the first team in the Valentine's Day movie, "Misery Loves Company." Lala Ri, Rose, Symone, and Utica are in the second group for Flag Day, "God Loves Flags." Gottmik, Joey Jay, Kandy Muse, Tamisha Iman, and Tina Burner are in the last group for April Fools' Day, "April Fool's Rush In."

For the Misery group, Denali wants the starring role of Misery. Elliott with 2 Ts wants to be the stupid queen in the movie. In confessional, Kahmora hates Elliott's nasal voice. After reading the full script, Denali is surprised by how many lines her character has.

In the April group, Kandy Muse wants to be Whoopie Cushion character; she takes charge and claims the role regardless of anyone wanting it.

For Flag Day group, Lala Ri reveals she never heard of Flag Day before. In confessional, Rose is confident this will come down to her and Tina Burner for the win. Rose wants to ensure she stands out with her acting skills and comedy.

RuPaul reveals that all the scripts are exactly the same ... but with a few holiday differences. Symone makes RuPaul laugh due to her acrylic nails.

Utica reveals she voted out Elliott with 2 Ts because Elliott gives off a cold vibe. Utica's character is a weed smoker, but when RuPaul asks her if she smokes, Utica makes funny faces instead of revealing the truth.

In the April group, Tamisha Iman is playing the Cher-like character. RuPaul calls her out as someone who isn't a Cher fan. Gottmik is the April Fool character (the lead).

"Trains For Days" is the runway character.

During the April Fool's rehearsal, Gottmik is getting laughs with her role. Tamisha Iman had some issues with her role, but then she pulled out all the laughs. Joey Jay has trouble keeping it all together remembering her lines and acting to the camera. Kandy Muse gets plenty of laughs in the clownish role.

During Flag Day rehearsal, Symone brings out the energy and shouts loud. Rose is getting Symone to laugh a lot in her role. Utica forgets her lines and has to reread them. Lala Ri is stiff when acting and reading her lines.

During the Misery rehearsal, Denali has a hard time performing her lines. Kahmora can't deliver on emphasizing the right words.

In the next day, Kandy Muse is redoing her train gown for the runway. Tina Burner and Gottmik help Kandy finish her look. Gottmik, Kandy, and Tina have formed a shady new friendship.

During her mirror moment, Symone reveals her first time in drag in public was during her high school prom. Tamisha reveals she didn't realize she was gay until after high school; she revealed she has three biological queens. Tamisha Iman is named after her oldest daughter, Iman.

RuPaul's gown is a glittery golden disco number.

During the runway, Denali's outfit is bird-inspired with long feathery feathers, Olivia Lux's outfit is inspired by Baroque with a long train, Elliott's gown is a white outfit with a white tule train, Kahmora Hall is a dragon-inspired golden gown, Symone has a durag train in a cyan jumpsuit, Lala Ri is in a snake-skinned gown and train (she sheds some train), Utica has a drapes train inspired by Carol Burnett, Rose is in an 80s tuxedo gown with a tule gown, Gottmik is in an airy gown with a leafblower, Tina Burner is in a conductor-inspired outfit, Joey Jay is in a leather S&M gown with a tongue train, Kandy Muse is in a blood-red velvet gown with a long train, and Tamisha Iman is in a pink pant bodysuit with a pink train.

During the movies, Jeffery Bowyer-Chapman cameos in each movie. Symone gets a lot of laughs during the Flag movie; the same with Kandy during the April Fool's movie.

Elliott with 2 Ts, Olivia Lux, Utica, Joey Jay, Gottmik, Tina Burner, and Tamisha Iman are safe.

The judges love Denali's runway look, but her acting performance was a struggle. The judges love Kahmora's runway look, but her acting was stiff; Kahmora tears up because she wants to let go. Symone wowed the judges with her innovative runway look and her hilarious acting. The judges loved Lala Ri's runway, but her acting imploded; the judge wants her to stay with her confidence. The judges want more from Rose's runway, but her acting was hilarious and they loved it! The judges think Kandy's runway was simple; her acting performance struck gold.

During the secret judging panel, the judges think Denali wasn't prepared for the role, Kahmora might not do more outside of fashion, Symona dominated in all aspects, Lala Ri worried the judges that she might fade away, Rose brought the humor in the challenge, and Kandy brought the comedy.

Symone wins the challenge. Denali and Kahmora Hall end up in the bottom two.

The lip-sync song is "100% Pure Love" by Crystal Waters. Denali adds plenty of dance moves, humor, and comedy in her lip-sync. Kahmora goes for a standard lipsync due to being in a fitted gown. Denali destroys Kahmora in the lip-sync.

RuPaul's Drag Race
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RuPaul's Drag Race Season 13 Episode 4 Quotes

Tina Burner: If it isn’t the B squadddddd?!
Tamisha Iman: Oh, so that’s how it is?
Tina Burner: That’s how it is!
Denali: If it isn’t the “anywhere to go but down” squad!
[They all laugh]

Tamisha Iman: It was no malice behind it. It was gonna have to be one of us.
Elliott with 2 Ts: So, why didn’t you jump up?
[Tina Burner laughs]
Tamisha Iman: Because they didn’t vote me. They voted you.