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Audrey continues to get terrorized by the killer. She takes the evidence of her with Jake and runs off into the night. 

The next day, she and Noah go back to the crate and the body is gone. Noah finds a flash drive and attempts to retrieve a video from it. Audrey gets ready to kill him, but stops when the footage is deleted. 

Emma has a meeting with her father and it becomes clear that he's hiding stuff from her. She leaves. 

She goes to meet him later, but the receptionist from the motel has been murdered in the bath tub and the killer is in the toilet. 

Emma investigates the room, while the killer facetimes Audrey, who rushes to save Emma, but Emma hears a disturbance outside and runs out. She finds her father fighting someone and stops it. 

Audrey appears, giving her support and Emma and her chat. Audrey gets in the car and gets a text from the killer telling her a gift is under the seat. It's the murder weapon. 

She then gets a text warning her not to call the police again or the picture of the murder will be released, implicating her in it. 

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