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After the explosion in Tunisia, Ray is missing. Lindell won't let Jason take part in the operation to find Ray. Bravo remains undeployable. Jason goes to tell Naima what happened to Ray. The rest of Bravo follows. Clay retrieves Sonny, who tries to duck out, blaming himself for the harsh words he said to Ray. Natalie, then Stella, show up. Sonny tries to comfort Jameelah, saying that Bravo will get her daddy back. Bravo gets called back without Jason and Clay. Bravo is split up among the teams which are going to look for Ray. Davis and Blackburn are helping with the operation. Stella gives Clay a pep talk. Jason can't stand not being in the action. Surveillance is found proving Ray is alive. He is being held prisoner, the only SEAL ever to be so held. Clay tells Naima that Ray was abducted and a task force was going after him. Jason informs Lindell he wants back in the fight with Bravo, including Clay. Lindell gives in. The group that took Ray was the one that he was investigating. Jason is trying to convince Clay and himself that he's back for only mission. Davis tells Jason that this group usually ransoms its hostages. Jason overrules the operation's plan of attack, suggesting the task force hit one target while Bravo hits the other. Ray understands that an attack is coming. Bravo's approach has been observed and they're under attack, at the same building where Ray was being held. Ray, while trying to get loose, is cut loose and moved at gunpoint. Ray attacks hiis captor then runs. Ray gets recaptured and hauled away. Pepper tracks the room where Ray had been held. Bravo comes up empty. Ray had been moved just before Bravo got entered the building. 

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SEAL Team Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

I always took comfort in knowing that if something happens, he has his teammates looking out for him.

Naima [to Jason]

That's not how it works over there. There's nothing I can do.

Jason [to Sonny]