Making an Effort - SEAL Team
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Jason is furious when he learns that Bravo Team is staying intact with a catch...

Omar is taking Clay's place.

Jason is worried that Omar will figure out his TBI and Sonny's PTSD and get them both removed from the team.

This, in turn, changes how Jason approaches the mission.

When they are there, they are forced to take Omar at his word and they help a group of women with prisoners.

The women have a lot of enemies because they are fighting against other forces.

However, things take a dangerous turn when it emerges that Bravo team has inherited their enemies.

This doesn't sit well with Jason, who believes Omar could cost them their lives.

Clay is struggling to stay at home and asks Stella to have their son more, but she doesn't think it's viable when he will be switching back to more regular daycare soon.

Clay is at a loss and asks to start Green Team earlier.

Command doesn't want to do that, and Clay pleads.

So, he gets to return to work much sooner, allowing him to get back into a routine and that could be that, or so we hope.

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SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

Jason: Last I heard, it's between us and Foxtrot, who gets broken down for parts. Sonny: See? Look. Right there. Command is treating us like a damn finale of a reality show. Just shitcan us or get off the pot. Should just do this Thunderdomestyle. Two teams enter one team leaves.

Ray: Besides, bringing him on is a small price to pay for keeping Bravo intact, right?
Jason: Yeah, for now.
Ray: The hell does that mean? Omar is dialed in.
Jason: He clocks how I'm leaning into you guys, he's gonna uncover my head issues.
Ray: He's not coming for you, Jace.
Ray: Yeah. It's not just me that I'm worried about, Ray. You're heading back to Raqqa Jacques, where you almost had your ticket punched, right? What if your, your PTSD flares up in front of Omar? Then what? This guy is a politician, Ray, all right? You said it for yourself, huh? He had issues with Foxtrot 1. Now I got to deal with this new fuckstick, right? Lead Bravo into hell while constantly looking over my shoulder?