Jason and Ray Deployed - SEAL Team
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Bravo Team is still deployed and everyone is struggling to keep it together.

Enemies are around every corner.

A man appears and tries to tell them he turned on the bad guys after working with them.

That causes a division in the team because some people want to believe him, while things are not as clean cut.

Jason makes a decision to use the man for his intel and he goes off on a mission that leads to his death.

Omar is frustrated because he knew it was a bad idea, but Jason proceeds.

Clay tries to come to terms with with his new job, while Stella relishes on what's coming for the family.

Clay is happy about making some big changes, but he's also worried about what it means for his future.

Elsewhere, Davis goes to lunch with her new boss, leading to a big debate about how approachable she is.

Davis wants to get through to the team and connect with them.

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SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 4 Quotes

Jason:Wall of crazy just got crazier, huh?
Sonny: Jace, that is the 19th distinct ping location detected by those KingFish devices that the YPJ helped us install across the region.
Omar: Yeah, "across the region" is right.

Sonny: How's Mandy?
Jason: Finding it hard to get Wi-Fi, apparently.
Sonny: I guess high-speed Internet and Talimonsters...
Jason: They, they don't really mix well.