On The Lake - Severance Season 1 Episode 5
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Outie Helly struggles as she goes up the elevator and finds the noose around her neck. The elevator reaches the upper floor, but Jud, the security guard, is not at his desk, and she continues to struggle.

Mark checks on Dylan (who is still reading "The You You Are") and asks if Helly has already left, which Dylan confirms. Mark tells Dylan he should leave, too. Dylan says he's just wrapping up.

Mark gets to the elevator. Mr. Graner runs down the hallway to the elevator.

The elevator door opens, and Mark sees Helly hanging there. He grabs her and calls for help. Graner arrives, and together they get her down. Graner orders Mark onto the elevator as Helly lies on the floor, barely conscious.

Mark heads up the elevator, and his consciousness switches. He gets to the top, says goodnight to Jud (who is just returning to his desk), and heads out.

Mark returns to work the following day. In the elevator, his consciousness shifts back to Innie Mark, still reacting to finding Helly. When he gets out of the elevator, Milchick and Ms. Cobel are there. They inform him that Helly is in the hospital with severe bruising but no permanent damage.

He asks if they are letting her go. Ms. Cobel says that Outie Helly has no intention of letting that happen, and Innie Helly will be back at work in a few days.

Mark takes "The You You Are" into the bathroom and reads it in the stall.

Graner returns Petey's chip to Cobel, telling her what they suspected -- Petey was reintegrated. Graner realizes Cobel hasn't told the board what happened with Helly. Cobel asks Graner to find out who is responsible for Petey's reintegration so that she can take all the info to the board at once.

Mark heads up in the elevator. He receives multiple messages from Ricken -- Devon is in labor.

Mark heads to the labor retreat as quickly as he can. Mark arrives to see the midwife, Alexa, coming out. He apologizes about the other night. Alexa tells him that Devon is doing well, and there's still some time before the baby comes.

Alexa tells him that Ricken is crying over Devon's belly, so she's giving them some privacy. Mark thanks her for looking after Devon.

Inside, Ricken cries while Devon comforts him. Mark enters. Devon notes that the cabin next door is excessively huge and expensive. She has another contraction.

Ricken tells Mark to share a secret, as the baby is attracted to the "soul void." Devon assures Mark he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to. Ricken shares one -- he is hurt that Mark didn't thank him for the book. Mark says he never received a book, and it must have been stolen. Ricken is distraught.

The contraction passes. Devon leaves to get coffee. Ricken asks Mark to help him set up the room by hanging kelp.

Devon passes the fancy cabin and spots a lady in the window. Devon asks if she can have some of their coffee. The pregnant lady, Gabby, lets her in and gets her coffee.

Devon shares that her husband is driving her crazy, and her brother is depressing. Gabby forces a smile and asks if it's Devon's first child. Devon confirms this, and Gabby says she's having her third.

Ricken and Mark hang the kelp. Ricken notes that the book thief will probably improve himself by reading it, so it will have been worth it. He tells Mark he appreciates him being here -- the most recent time Mark was in a medical facility was with Gemma.

Ricken mentions that it could have been a lovely tribute to give the baby girl the middle name 'Gemma.' Mark says the baby should have her own name and not the baggage that comes with his late wife's name.

Devon leave's Gabby's cabin and returns. Ricken is asleep. Devon shares her coffee with Mark. Devon says Alexa would probably give Mark another shot, but Mark thinks it's doubtful.

Devon has another contraction. Mark gives her his hand to squeeze. Mark "tells a secret" --he thinks Lumon is up to something. He's about to say more, but she screams out in pain. Mark goes to get Alexa.

The baby girl is born.

Mark sits by the lake.

Petey's phone rings in the box with a blocked number.

Mark remembers Petey dropping to the ground outside the gas station.

At work, Milchick explains to Innie Mark that this will be Innie Helly's first conscious experience since the hanging. He urges Mark to have "kind eyes."

The elevator opens, and Helly huddles in the corner, gasping for breath. Mark is there, calmly welcoming her.

Mark explains to Helly that the dangerous items are now locked away. He suggests she could just search for happy numbers for now if she wants. Helly laughs. Whispering, he asks if she wants to talk about it. Helly doesn't answer -- she gets up and walks away.

Irving suggests leaving inspirational handbook quotes around for her to find. Dylan says she just needs to start earning perks.

Mark sneaks a look at Ricken's book. Ms. Casey quietly appears behind him, letting him know Ms. Cobel ordered her to watch over Helly and encourage her when she exhibits signs of sadness.

Helly picks at her eyelashes. Ms. Casey takes notes.

Irving starts nodding off. The numbers blur on his computer screen. Black ooze starts dripping from the ceiling, covering the fluorescent lights. It begins to pour, even from Mark's eyes. Irving gets up, and the ooze is gone.

Mark asks him if he's okay. Irving says he needs to go to O&D to seek Burt's counsel. Mark tells him to make a copy of the map.

As Irving is at the photocopier, two printouts appear of a painting -- a brutal scene of O&D workers attacking and savagely murdering Macrodata workers.

Milchick appears, saying he wasn't supposed to see this. Irving asks if it actually happened. Milchick assures him it did not.

Dylan and Irving consult in the supply closet. Irving says it can't be real. Dylan thinks it's proof O&D is evil. Irving wants to ask Burt about it, but Dylan advises against it.

Milchick checks in with Ms. Cobel. She confirms he "ran a 266" on Irving. Milchick explains that he thought it might dissuade Irving from spending time with O&D. Milchick asks why Cobel has got Ms. Casey watching Helly. Cobel says she's trying something new with Ms. Casey.

In the bathroom, Helly rubs at the marks on her neck. Helly emerges, and Ms. Casey asks her to describe her time in the bathroom. Mark deliberately spills his coffee on some notepads. Dylan suggests he's drunk.

Ms. Casey asks Helly to go with her to Distribution and Supply. Mark says he can watch Helly while she goes. After a moment, Ms. Casey leaves. Mark offers to show Helly where they keep the extra pen caps. She initially refuses but then gets up, and they go together.

Ms. Casey walks past the conference room, where she notices Burt pacing and talking to himself.

Mark and Helly walk. He asks how she's doing. She tells him she's doing poorly.

Mark takes her to a big room with plastic sheets over the floors. He hands her a half-drawn map, saying he's been working on it on his lunch breaks and suggests they work on it together. Helly says she's not his new Petey and walks off.

Ms. Casey returns. Irving tells her they went off to look at pen caps at the end of the storage wing. Ms. Casey tells Irving that Burt is in the conference room.

Irving goes to the conference room and asks Burt what he's doing here. Burt says he was looking for Irving. Dylan arrives and quickly closes the door and ties in closed, trapping Burt inside. Irving goes to get a manager.

Helly and Mark walk down very dark hallways. The lights flicker.

Helly complains that her own self told her she was not a person. Mark urges Helly not to focus on her Outie self but instead on what she wants for herself. Helly says she wants her Outie to wake up dying, so she knows who did it.

Mark and Helly hear what sounds like a baby cry out. They stare down the dark hallway.

Irving returns to Dylan and Burt, telling them he hasn't found Mark or Helly. Irving asks Burt why he didn't come straight to the office. Burt says he didn't want to scare him, and he was working on a joke. Irving asks why he lied about the number of people in their department.

Burt says because they don't trust the Macrodata team. Burt says there are silly stories of Macrodata workers having larval pouches with young that will jump out and attack and eventually consume its host. Burt makes a joke that this explains Irving's youthful energy. Dylan is baffled at what's going on in front of him.

Dylan pulls Irving aside, asking if he's sweet on Burt. Irving asks if he disapproves. Dylan says yes, but not because it's a forbidden workplace romance, only because Burt is O&D.

Helly and Mark follow the baby's cries down a dark hallway where the lights flicker. A baby goat comes around the corner.

They follow the baby goat into a room filled with hay, where a man sits, bottle-feeding a baby goat while many others play and run around him. The man tells Mark and Helly not to take them yet -- it isn't time. The man orders them to leave. The baby goats continue to bleat.

Irving and Dylan walk Burt (hands tied behind his back) back to O&D. Irving tells Burt about the painting -- Burt asks what O&D were doing.

Irving says that anything more than platonic is forbidden. Burt asks if they are more than platonic. Irving unties Burt and lets him back into his department. Burt invites him in, saying there's something he'd like to show him in the storeroom.

Burt shows Irving a painting of Kier Eagan meeting his future wife while at work -- they fell in love as colleagues.

Dylan looks around and finds the original copy of the painting, "The Grim Barbarity of Optics and Design."

Dylan tells Irving to get away from Burt. However, the painting is slightly different -- in this one, the raiders are the Macrodata Refiners. It's called "The Macrodata Refinement Calamity." Dylan wonders why there would be two versions of the same painting.

Mark and Helly walk down another dark hallway. Helly wonders about the goats and how they relate to the numbers. Mark tells Helly he's glad she's here, and he's sorry that he can't do more for her. She says she'll clean up his map. Ms. Casey appears, relieved that they are unhurt.

Ms. Casey leads them back to the office while Ms. Cobel watches the security camera. Graner pops his head in, asking if she knows what MDR is up to and how much she's going to let them find.

Graner warns Cobel that upstairs won't be happy with this. Cobel tells him he can talk when he finds out who got to Petey.

Burt introduces Dylan and Irving to the vast Optics and Design team in the back room.


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Severance Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Do you know how to make your eyes kind?

Mr. Milchick

If you are a soldier, do not fight for my freedom. Fight for the freedom of the soldier fighting next to you. This will make the war more inspiring for you both.

Ricken ("The You You Are")