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Cleophas heads back to Valentine and tells him about Clary's sunlight rune. She plans to show him proof.

Valentine is holding someone prisoner who plans to warn Clary. Back at the Institute, she hears a strange noise.

Alec and Magnus come back from a date. Before they're able to get closer, they hear Jace causing too much noise.

Simon has made plans to hangout  with Maia. Clary is a little jealous but pushes him forward as she answers a Shadowhunter call.

Alec tries to force Jace to get his head back in the game. Unfortunately, he disagrees and refuses to go back.

Isabelle is mad at Clary for not being told about the sunlight rune. Isabelle searches for the venom in Aldertree's office. There is none and she begins to go through withdrawals.

Maia and Magnus bond over the recent gift Alec gave him. Isabelle arrives to get some venom from a dealer at the bar, but Magnus stops her. He lets slip where the venom comes from.

Luke warns Clary about Cleophas. He doesn't trust her since she was obsessed with Valentine.

Simon arrives to his hangout two hours early. Before he meets up with Maia, Isabelle teases him to bite her to relieve stress.

Cleophas cuts herself and heads to Luke's restaurant for help.

Simon and Maia flirt at the bar. Jace arrives and interrupts their hangout, asking for shots. He shares advice on how to impress Maia.

Cleophas wants to show Clary where to find Valentine. Luke warns her not to trust his sister, and while Clary knows Cleophas isn't trustworthy, she still wants to find Valentine.

Jace tells Simon to change everything about himself to pick up women. He glamors himself as Simon to prove a point.

Alec talks to Isabelle about having sex with Magnus. He's nervous, but she reassures him to not over think it.

Simon takes Jace's advice and dismisses Maia, he treats her badly. Maia gets mad and storms from the date.

Alec makes his move on Magnus. Magnus initially rebuffs him and shares his worry, but Alec convinces him and the two continue on.

Clary hears the sound again. Cleophas enables her hearing rune and reveals that the sound is coming from an angel who is screaming for help. Cleophas is upset that Valentine would capture and hold an angel. She urges Clary to come with her to stop Valentine.

Isabelle goes searching for vampires to get venom.

Simon apologizes to Maia over how he treated her. Maia accepts and reveals that she knows about him being in love with Clary. She urges him to tell her the truth.

Clary, Jace, Luke and Cleophas go to the compound to stop Valentine and free the angel. Valentine holds Cleophas at knife point and reveals he and Luke are parabatais.

Clary and Jace free the angel from Valentine's chains. He shows them a vision of the Mortal Sword and someone breaking into dust.

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Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Magnus: What's this all about? I'm not complaining but...
Alec: I just thought we could take the next step.
Magnus: The sex step?
Alec: Yea.
Magnus: Alexander, I may be experienced but it's rare that I've ever felt this way about someone. I worry that once we...that if we rush into this, I may lose you.

Jace: You know, I didn't think hot-tempered wolves were your type, Simon.
Simon: No, we're just...
Jace: Friends? Shocking. It's the Simon Lewis sweet spot. just ask Clary.
Simon: What does that mean?
Jace: It means you're the safe choice, Simon. You're non-threatening, you're easy to talk to, and you never seal the deal, am I right?
Simon: No.