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There is a flashback to Alec and Jace meeting for the first time at the Institute. They're shooting arrows at a target. Meanwhile, in the present time, Alec is trapped in a coma.

Jace washes up on shore. A passerby finds him kneeling over a washed-up, and very dead, Gretel. He runs off and the police are called in. Luke is informed that Jace is now on land.

Jocelyn goes to Magnus for help but he spurns her. He blames her for causing all this trouble to everyone because of her lies.

Clary is interrogated by Aldertree about what happened on the boat. She lies to him; she confides with Isabelle and they plot to find Jace.

Jace enters Hunter's Moon and meets Maia. She gives him a drink and a phone to contact Isabelle; they decide to all meet at Magnus' apartment to heal Alec.

Maia asks Jace for help, but he refuses. Gretel's uncle blames him for kidnapping her -- the group starts to fight in the bar.

Simon finds out his mother has been drinking again. She's gone missing. He contacts Clary to help locate her.

Luke will uphold the law and kill Jace if he finds out Jace was the one who kidnapped/killed Gretel.

Aldertree steps in to keep the group from moving Alec. He places someone at the door to stop them.  There's another flashback to when Jace and Alec are practicing before getting their parabatai runes.

Maia is hunting Jace. He is bleeding heavily and is discovered by Mundanes; he is rushed to the hospital to be treated. Luke and Maia hunt him down and she turns into a wolf to chase him. Jocelyn steps in to help, but he takes off.

Aldertree discovers Isabelle has helped Magnus/Alec leave the Institute. She gives him information of where Jace is heading; this is a deal to protect his life.

Magnus gets desperate and kisses Alec -- nothing happen. Another flashback reveals Alec outing himself to Isabelle as children; he is questioning his choice of becoming Jace's parabatai.

Simon discovers Raphael is with his mother. Raphael covers for Simon's lies but he threatens him. His mother inadvertently invites Raphael into her home, giving him access to enter whenever he pleases.

Luke, Clary and Isabelle save Jace in time from an attack by Maia and the wolf pack. They take him to Alec to heal him. There is a flashback of Alec and Jace performing the parabatai ritual.

Alec nearly dies, but he survives the curse in time.

Aldertree and the Clave arrive to arrest Jace. He is to be sent to the City of Bones to wait until due process.

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Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Maia: Well, you look like you could use a drink...and a towel.
Jace: Just...umm...just your phone?
Maia: I would ask what happened to yours, but I guess it got wet.
Jace: It's a long story.
Maia: Well I'm stuck here all night and I hear Shadowhunters like to hear themselves talk. What? You didn't think I wouldn't recognize those runes on the back of your neck?

Raphael: We are your family now.
Simon: And what? I'm just supposed to forget my mom?
Raphael: Your mom...your mom will grow old while you stay the same. And eventually she will be gone. Sooner or later, even your memories of her will fade, whether you want them to or not.
Simon: No, that won't happen, not to me.
Raphael: Keep telling yourself that.