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Bob Lee calls the Veterans office because he wants to find out more information about Guitterez who served with his father. 

A new Atlas henchman temporarily holds up Red Bama and reminds him that he needs the information and that bosses can be replaced. 

Sam gives Bob Lee the pistol back. He tells her about how complicated Bob Lee and Earl's relationship was. 

Bob Lee tracks down Guiterrez and asks him about Atlas and his father's role in it. It's not the real guy but an imposter. A group of men try to get the jump on Bob Lee but fail. The fake Guiterrez warns Bob Lee that Atlas will be coming after him. 

Bob Lee is headed to DC for more information, but Julie confronts him about this new interest in his father and not letting her in while he's battling with something. 

Isaac, Nadine, and Harris catch up with and confront Gregson. She tells them that she doesn't have the money and if she did, she wouldn't be there. 

She approaches Red Bama about the encryption card. She wants to strike a deal with them. She offers to serve Nadine and Isaac up in exchange for a seat at the table. 

Bob Lee calls Isaac for an extra gun and backup when he goes into an Atlas hideout to see what they can find. They don't find anything because everyone has scurried away. Isaac wonders what more he'll have to do to get Bob Lee to trust him again and urges him to let the past go. 

Bob Lee meets up with Nadine, Gregson and the others. He's not thrilled about having to work with Gregson again. She's to access the card that Red Bama is looking for, and she has to get in and out of where it's being held at the CIA without detection. She, Bob Lee, and Isaac head in there to retrieve it. As they're leaving, people start shooting at Gregson, and it becomes a shootout and fight out to get them all out of the place unharmed. 

Nadine calls Gregson out on being on the brink of betraying them. She contacts Red Bama and agrees to meet him at a fancy affair. Only She and Harris will be able to get in there. Nadine wonders if Isaac is on the same page as her. She already knows that Bob Lee is only in it for information on his father. 

At the event, Gregson meets with Bama but doesn't give him the card. Harris is in charge of watching her, but she slips away from him. Bob Lee is about to be taken down by someone, but he takes him down first. The mystery guy who confronted Bama tries to take the card from Gregson but realizes she didn't have it. He kills her. 

More people come to take out Nadine, but Carlita comes to help her out in the nick of time. 

When the others realize that Gregson is dead, they think that the decryption card died with her, but Harris realizes that she slipped it to him before she walked to her death. Now they have what Atlas wants and are in more danger than ever. 

Isaac calls Bob Lee out once again on this personal mission he's on and the effects it's having on his family and Julie. He must get through to Bob Lee because Bob Lee calls and leaves a message for Julie about opening up more. 

The real Ramon Guiterrez calls Bob Lee and says Gregson told him that Bob Lee was asking about him. 

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Shooter Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

I've been working on this mission for three years which makes me indispensable. Bosses can be replaced.

Atlas Henchman

Earl: Hey, what did I tell you about firing a rifle?
Young Bob Lee: Never point a gun at anything you don't intend to shoot.