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Nate prepares for an interview with a very influential food blog called the Picky Spoon and he’s freaking out. Lydia and Jimmy try to calm him down. 

Jimmy tells Lydia that he didn’t go to Burning Man this year because he didn’t think it was her scene. So instead of working on the  jigsaw puzzle they had planned, Lydia gets body paints and drug laced gummy bears. Jimmy says the effects of the drug induced candies last for six to eight hours and they want to be sober the next day to help Nate so they leave the gummy bears on the counter. 

The next morning, Nate comes in and eats the gummy bears. At first he’s very cool and doesn't realize he's high. He even has the courage to kiss Sam. When he finally realizes he’s high, he panics. Harrison finds out and yells at Lydia for being so reckless. She shoots back that if he hadn’t gotten her pregnant so young, maybe she could have gotten that reckless behavior out of her system. 

Nate passes out while the food blogger is at the restaurant. Lydia and Sam distract the blogger and serve her the food while Harrison and Jimmy walk an unconscious Nate through the restaurant by having his legs tied to theirs with shoelaces, also using brooms and sunglasses in a homage to the movie “Weekend at Bernie’s”

When Nate eventually wakes up and sobers up, he finds out that the blogger loves his restaurant but also knows he was high. Lydia decides that parenting is enough of a high for her and she doesn’t need drugs.

Sam tries to subtly ask Nate about the kiss but he pretends he doesn’t remember it.

Significant Mother
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Significant Mother Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

It's like this week long drug binge and dust orgy with sculptures and body paint.


You know what else is a blip on the radar? A ship right before some laid back captain sinks it.
