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Mike comes to control the Thunderbolt and wants to be a part of the JSA.

Everyone is for it, believing Thunderbolt can help them find The Shade's location, but Pat has reservations, saying the Thunderbolt is unpredictable.

Pat then learns the Thunderbolt can only choose a partner who feels utterly and completely alone and realizes that's how Mike has been feeling.

The rest of the JSA outvote Pat and allow Mike to join. They then spend time trying to craft a wish that will lead them to the location of The Shade.

The Shade had been poking around the late William Zarick's things but failed to find what he was looking for. He then heads to the Zarick house.

All the JSA sans Mike suit up to confront The Shade.

The Shade claims he doesn't plan to destroy Blue Valley and won't hurt them if they stay out of his way.

Mike, feeling useless, decides to help using the Thunderbolt, but his plan backfires when he attacks The Shade. 

The Shade incapacitates everyone and then leaves.

Mike realizes he messed up and wishes the Thunderbolt had a worthier master. The Thunderbolt grants Mike's wish and disappears.

Pat then learns The Shade was looking for Eclipso.

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Stargirl Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Pat: Trust me, he’d just cause more trouble.
Mike: Me?
Pat: No, not you, Mike, the Thunderbolt. He’s not exactly a living monkey's paw, but he's close. I
Mike: I think he can hear you. Also, what's this got to do with monkeys?
Pat: OK, give me the pen.
Mike: No.
Pat: Now.
Mike: You’re saying I can't handle it.
Pat: Nobody can. I'm sorry, all right, Mike. I really am. It's just the Thunderbolt, he's too unpredictable.

Mike: What’s going on?
Thunderbolt: What's going on is that you, Mike Dugan, are now in control of me, the Thunderbolt.
Mike: The Thunderbolt?
Thunderbolt: As in Johnny Thunder and the Thunderbolt of the Justice Society of America. You’re so lucky.
Mike: This belonged to the JSA?
Thunderbolt: Yep, you said the magic word, and now I'm back in action.
Mike: Wait, so the magic words are so cool?
Thunderbolt: Word singular. It's pronounced ‘so cool’ in my native homeland of Badhnesia.
Mike: Bas-what?
Thunderbolt: It's not on the map anymore. Thanks for bringing it up. ‘So cool’ means set free the all-powerful force upon the earth of the magical and awe-inspiring Thunderbolt. It’s also a synonym for the sound on the chalkboard that drives everyone crazy, but I like that sound.