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Vic doesn't want to help plan Ripley's funeral and decides she didn't want to go.

Her squad try to convince her to go. Travis really tries to get to through to her and has has been staying with Maya and Andy.

Travis wants her to get everything out and take it out on him if necessary. He tells her he understands since he lost his spouse and she goes off on him because she and Ripley weren't married.

She feels like she was just his secret and she doesn't know her place. Levi stoos hy to give her flowers just like the ones Ripley got for her that day.

She changes her mind and goes to the funeral. She walks with Jennifer and sits beside her in the space for family.

Sullivan seeks advice for the eulogy but speaks from his heart.

Something resonates with Travis and he takes off his wedding ring which is part of Vic called him out on.

At the bar he gets drunk and plans to pick up a guy until he speaks about Vic in a poor way. He punches thr guy

Ryan mentions he may be leaving for a new job and it surprises Andy. He also asks her about Sullivan and she doesn't know why people assume they have a thing.

she forgives Maya. Maya is super emotional about Ripley. Miller helps her and Jack sort through some issues and he later introduces everyone to Nicki.

Ben and Andy have a call where a guy was impaled and Ben has to stabilize and revive him.

Station 19
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Station 19 Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

Montgomery: Vic, you have to go to the funeral.
Vic: No I don't.
Montgomery: Yes, you do. You can't just skip it.

At some point, not now obviously, but at some point, you and I should talk.
