Paul visit - Station 19 Season 4 Episode 7
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Carina deals with the grief and guilt over DeLuca's death, and Maya tries to be there for Carina the best she can.

Maya takes care of the funeral arrangements and some of the other things.

However, Carina loses it when she learns her father already knew DeLuca was dead and didn't reach out.

Maya takes Carina to Station 19, and they scream when the firetrucks are blaring.

Andy fills in for Maya as acting captain, and Sullivan has a hard time with that.

Dean has to decide whether to pursue legal action against the racist cops who arrested him and Sullivan and taking the lieutenant's exam.

After some reflection, Dean decides to sue, believing it's the only way to affect real change.

Vic decides to give Theo a chance, and the two of them set a date for later in the week.

Paul comes to Station 19, trying to clarify why Travis saw a photo of him on a gay dating app, but Travis doesn't believe it.

Ben stitches up an injured pianist, even though it's against the rules. Ben and the pianist talk about loss, and the pianist comments how the pandemic reminds him of the early days of the AIDS crisis.

Jack and Inara are in a weird place, but after talking with a crazed cult leader who jumps off the roof, Jack decides to take a leap of faith himself and asks Inara to be his girlfriend. 

Marcus and Marsha are delighted by the news.

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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

Travis: You have a very gentle touch.
Emmett: Oh, we finally got the smaller swabs.
Vic: You know it’s not the size, but how you use it.
Emmett: OK, this is bordering on inappropriate.

Theo: I saw the video. That’s messed up.
Vic: So, I’m usually the person that finds the good in all the bad. I’m the silver linings chick that cracks a joke even at the darkest of times to bring everyone back up, but…
Theo: Pretty hard to see the silver lining in that.
Vic: Yeah.