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Supergirl takes down some jewel thieves and Guardian shows up to help. Winn gets hurt by one of them. 

Kara and James both wrote stories about Supergirl and Guardian's involvement in the takedown of the jewel thieves. 

A woman comes to CatCo asking them to publish a story about her missing daughter. Kara wants to help, but Snapper doesn't want to cover it. 

Mon-El takes a job as a bartender at the alien bar. 

Kara asks Maggie for information on the missing girl. She tells her there's been a spike in missing people lately.

Mon-El and Kara follow up on the missing girl and end up through a portal to another planet with a red sun, meaning they don't have their powers. 

Alex gets worried and finds out that Kara is no longer on Earth. 

Kara and Mon-El find the missing people and learn Roulette is behind the kidnappings. 

Alex blames herself for not going with Kara. She pushes Maggie away. 

Alex tells Winn he's going with her to Slaver's Moon. He's terrified. 

Kara stands up to the guards and gets tortured. The other prisoners step in to help. 

The aliens recognize Mon-El and refuse to harm him. 

Kara leads the prisoners to escape as Alex and her team finds them. 

Winn fights off an alien with a rock. 

Kara turns in a story on Slaver's Moon. 

Alex apologizes to Maggie and Maggie reveals that she knows Kara is Supergirl. 

Mon-El tells Kara he wants to be a superhero. 

The aliens after Mon-El learn he is on Earth. 

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Supergirl Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Kara: What are you doing here?
Mon-El: Oh, I took the day off.
Kara: It's your second day.
Mon-El: Yeah, didn't want to over due it. So, lunch?

Alex: Okay, what's bothering you? And it's not Guardian.
Kara: Who says anything's bothering me?
Alex: Crinkle.
Kara: [Gasps] Crinkle. I'm going to get Botox for that. If you can figure out a way to get a needle in my skin, I mean.