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Mon-El gives Lena the rock while he and Kara fights Reign. Lena prepares the rock and they use it on Reign. It works, and Sam is separated from her. Reign appears to dissapear. 

Kara tells Alex that her mom is alive. She tells her she wants to go back and feels guilty about it.  Alex tells her she deserves to be selfish, even though she selfishly doesn't want her to go. 

Kara invites Mon-El to come with her back to Argo. The gang gives her a send off party. 

M'yrnn tells J'onn its time to perform a ritual called "the Reach" that passes on his memories before he dies. J'onn doesn't want to accept that it's near the end. 

James discovers a DEO gun on the street while fighting as Guardian. 

There's an accident at a construction site on Argo, but Kara questions if it was really an accident. Mon-El gives Kara his Legion ring. 

J'onn and James learn that a civilian version of their weapon was designed and sold. J'onn argues that those guns are for military personnel only and should be taken off the market. 

Winn, James, and J'onn track down the man with the gun. He's planning a shooting at his office. 

J'onn confronts the shooter and tells him he knows how it feels to lose everything. He talks him down. 

Mon-El tells Kara that he didn't just come back to help fight Reign, that he came back to sort out his feelings about her. Another attack breaks up their moment. 

J'onn announces that they are going to phase out their use of guns. Winn will develop a line of non-lethal weapons.

J'onn tells M'yrnn he's ready to begin "the Reach."

Alex researches adoption. 

Coville begins some ritual, and Sam appears to be affected. 

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Supergirl Season 3 Episode 21 Quotes

Kara: When you went away to college, we figured that out, we did that.
Alex: Yeah, I mean we called and emailed every day. What's Wi-Fi like in space?

Lena: How do you feel?
Sam: It's a cliche, but I feel like I got hit by a bus.