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Drag racers stop a tractor trailer truck on a dark road. Street rolls up with some other drivers, undercover, and witnesses them kill the truck driver.

Hondo visits Raymont's house at his mother's request. She is worried about her son's mental health and the gun she found in his room. Hondo agrees to meet with him at SWAT.

Street explains his undercover gig, leftover from his time in Long Beach, to Hondo and Jessica. He found out the racers broker is a big deal, Jeurgen Richter. Hondo think a sting is too dangerous but Jessica is willing to go for it.

Chris completes a climbing training test with another officer.

Hondo brings in Richter's old parole officer to help with intel. Richter sets a meet with Street at a local cop bar. Tan and Luca act as back up.

Street meets with Richter, successfully setting up a buy. His cover is almost blown but Luca steps in and safe the situation.

Hondo receives Chris' climbing report -- it come back saying she was indecisive and reckless. H wants Deacon to look into the instructor.

Raymont's mom drops him off at SWAT. Hondo gives him advice about going to college and asks him about the gun.

The team sets up the plan for the buy with Richter. On the scene, another crew shows up shooting, forcing Tan and Chris to take them out. Richter takes off with Street hostage.

The team talks about how they are going to find Richter and save Street. Chris and everyone else are very worried about his safety. 

Richter has gathered everyone involved in the racing group. Street's cover is holding, but Richter wants to know who the snake is. 

Hondo snaps at Jessica because he's worried about Street. J apologizes for putting Street in this positions, but Hondo takes the blame.

Hondo reaches out to Raymont again, but he is less responsive. Doesn't want to be "saved" by Hondo.

Deacon meets with the climbing instructor -- Cole. He obviously has a prejudice against women in SWAT, and minorities in law enforcment in general.

Richter knows someone in his group is a rat. Figures out one of the other guys has been lying about who he is and suffocates him with a zip tie.

Deacon relays the information about Cole to Hondo. Chris overhears, and wants them to back off. She knows how hard it can be for women in this field but she wants to take care of herself.

Hondo introduces the officers' shrink, Wendy, to Raymont in an effort to help him.

Mumford brings in the head of the Chinese gang that showed up at the buy. He gives up two of the racers as the one's who ratted. Tells Hondo and Mumford the area they might be in.

Street talks with the young guy, Whip, who is also being held by RIchter. He admits to being undercover SWAT and asks for help getting a distress signal out. He creates a distraction while Whip sends the message.

The signal works and the team heads out for the rescue. Chris has to scale a building to get in position and she proves her climbing skills.

Richter is about to suffocate Whip but Street stands up to defend him. Before they're killed Chris gives the all clear SWAT busts in.

Hondo and Richter go at it with fists and Hondo wins. Street saves Whip. The team returns to HQ and is met with uproarious applause.

Deacon wants to know if Hondo is going to defend Chris to Cole. Says no, but that Cole is on his list.

Jessica and Hondo thank each other for doing their jobs well.

Wendy and Raymont play video games together. On the drive home Hondo opens up to Raymont about losing his partner when he was just an officer. He finally gets Raymont to open up to him.

Street gets to take a spin in Richter's badass racecar -- on top of the world.



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S.W.A.T. Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Well, damn. You bite that thing any harder, it might just bite you back.

Hondo [to Chris]

Deacon: Look, I don't think Cole gave you a very fair shake out on that wall.
Chris: No way. Next you'll tell me there's no Santa Claus?
Hondo: Don't worry about it. I'm gonna have a little chat with him.
Chris: You mean, like, man-to-man? Tell him to stop picking on little girls, right?
Hondo: He mis-evaluated a member of my team, and I'm not having that.
Chris: How do you know? You weren't there. You think I'm not used to this game? I don't need him to tell me what I'm capable of, and the last thing I want is him thinking that I came crying to you about it.