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Clarke and the others figure out that Octavia, Diyoza, and Echo are lying to Anders. They go to find them but Echo gets to Hope first. She tells her she has a plan where they all go back home, but she needs to do something first. She is trying to kill everyone else in Bardo, which Hope hides from the others. They figure it out though and go to stop Echo.

Echo is about to infect the water when the group gets there and calms her down. But then Anders shows up and shames them, which makes Hope angry enough to kill him. She then decides to kill everyone in Bardo anyway but Diyoza stops her. This turns into Diyoza getting caught by the substance and dying to save everyone else.

Meanwhile, Sheidheda wants to have all the power so he gets Madi to kneel for him. He then announces to everyone that he is to be the Commander and Indra challenges him to a fight. He almost kills Indra so Madi stabs him in the eye. But then he almost kills Madi so Indra surrenders and kneels to him, so does every other grounder.

In the meantime, Murphy and Emori hide all the faithful in the reactor room.

Gabriel and Cadogan grab lunch where they talk about what comes next. During this time, Jordan discovers that it might not be a war but a test that everyone is preparing for. 

The 100
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The 100 Season 7 Episode 10 Quotes

She may be an imposter, but she still has followers.


Don't waste this, little one. Don't become like me.
