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Clarke returns to Earth through the anomaly, and discovers that everyone who went through it is in the bunker. Gaia explains that when she went into it, the disciple who was with her said it was the origin of her DNA who pulled her in there.

Clarke reunites with everyone and tells them what happened with Bellamy. They all blame Bellamy and say Clarke did the right thing.

There is a helmet that they could use to get back to Sanctum, but Clarke smashes it. So instead Raven has to go figure out how to fix it and the others get comfortable. Clarke and Madi fight about everything Clarke does to keep her daughter safe. Madi doesn't agree with her choices and takes about the life she had in Sanctum. Then she runs away.

Meanwhile, Sheidheda agrees to help Cadogan by bringing Madi back to him. He gets dressed as a disciple and makes it onto Earth, but he is invisible so no one knows he is on the loose.

Niylah and Echo talk. Echo mentions that she lied to Bellamy about who she was all this time. They drink and bond. Miller and Jackson hook up and bond. Indra and Gaia bond. Hope and Jordan bond and dance. Indra and Octavia bond outside as they talk about Blodreina and Octavia facing her past. They come back to try it and that is when Octavia, Gaia, and Indra witness Sheidheda appear through the anomaly.

Octavia goes to warn Clarke, but he follows them around.

Madi hangs out with Gabriel as he plays the piano, then Sheidheda comes and stabs him. Madi escapes but as they watch Gabriel die, she decides she can't do this anymore. She goes and stabs herself with a tracker, taking herself to Cadogan voluntarily.

Meanwhile, Cadogan sends a bomb into the bunker and Miller manages to shield them from it. But it does make a portion of the bunker collapse on Emori and Murphy.

The 100
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