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Sheidheda's execution is coming up but he is able to manipulate the situation. Since his people think Russell might not be treated well they are convinced by Jordan to let Russell talk to his people. But he is shot at, making it seem like he was assassinated. This makes Clarke decide to save him and pause his death, because otherwise he will die like a martyr and will have even more power over his people and their faith.

But when they let him live, it turns out he used the Russell persona to con one of the followers into creating the fake kill plan because he knew he could convince Indra and Clarke that he can't be killed now.

Meanwhile, there is a nuclear meltdown that happens in Sanctum. Raven needs to get rid of the air that is leaking from the pipes because it is radiation that threatens all of Sanctum.

But trying to get the grounders to help turns into Gaia revealing that the flame is dead. Our main characters are left without an army so Raven asks the Eligius group. Hatch agrees but Raven lies to them about how serious it is. He and his friends end up dying but they fix things before they do. Nikki takes it out on Raven.

The 100
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The 100 Season 7 Episode 3 Quotes

Burning a man at the stake is so elevated.


Faith may be blind but loyalty isn't.
