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Terence is giving a speech at the Episode of the Higher Mind while Megan gets ready for her trip to Venice. She meets Kyle's assistant Ben.

Terence and Deann talk about the trip to Venice. Meanwhile, Megan is trying out dresses and showing off to her friends. The stylist tells her everything has been approved by Kyle's people and can't be altered.

Nick barges in and they talk about their failed relationship

Kyle and Megan are being prepared for their trip. Megan is learning that her life is completely controlled and will only revolve around Kyle. How much is she regretting it now?

Megan is watching the premiere while Kyle is outside. They walk down the steps and kiss in public.

Megan and Kyle go out in public incognito walking the streets of Venice and talking. Kyle is incredibly romantic, but how much of it is real.

The next morning Deann gives them all the information she needs for the day. She also tells Megan about the dinner with Lisbeth.

Anika calls DeAnn who apparently has some pictures of Megan and Kyle. She's blackmailing her, but apparently Anika and Deann had some sort of deal before.

Megan gets back to the hotel from the film festival. She finds Kyle doing something with Terence to clear his mind of Lisbeth.

Megan and Deann are getting ready for the awards dinner. Kyle takes a photo shoot with Lisbeth. Megan seems a little jealous.

Terence and Deann talk about Megan's bitch face after Kyle and Lisbeth took pictures together. Anika shows up at the Institute.

Lisbeth and Kyle talk some more at a party while Megan is alone at the bar. She starts texting her friend then leaves the bar for the bathroom.  She goes to the bathroom and starts taking selfies. Lisbeth comes into the bathroom and Megan starts talking to her and Lisbeth knocks her down.

Kyle and Megan talk about the evening and Lisbeth. She's coming across as desperate.

Megan goes out with the director of the movie she saw. They go to a bar. Against the rules.  Kyle is not happy when he finds out she left. She almost gets attacked. Kyle punches a photographer who catches them arguing. He calls Deann for help who comes and pays the photographer for his troubles.

Back at the hotel, Megan and Kyle makeup. 

Terence shows up in Venice. Deann is not happy. Terence talks to Megan about what her going out with her new friends. He reminds her that her actions affect Kyle.

He tells her she better shape up or the contract is over.










The Arrangement
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The Arrangement Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Ben: Don't freak out. Kyle's stylist is outfitting you for the entire event.
Megan: Oh. Well, my stylist is busy so that makes sense.

From now on when you look at your life and the people in it things will look different. Non-productive will fade to the background while possibility comes into focus.
