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After Nick sent Kristina home, the women are worried that there is still going to be a rose ceremony and another one of them will leave before hometowns. However, Nick decides to keep all four women and heads to their hometowns.

First up is Raven, who lives in Arkansas. She takes Nick on four-wheelers, and plays a prank on him with her brother who is a police officer. Overall, Raven's family likes Nick and celebrates the fact that her dad is now cancer free.

Nick heads to Dallas next to meet Rachel's family. They are concerned that Nick has never dated a black women before, but he reassures them that he like Rachel for who she is and they have nothing to worry about. The only person that Nick doesn't meet is Rachel's dad, who is busy with work.

After Dallas, Nick heads to Miami to meet Corinne. They go shopping, and Corinne spends thousands of dollars on new clothes for Nick. Corinne's father is worried that Nick cannot afford to have Corinne as a wife, but comes around after getting to know him. We also meet Corinne's nanny, and she questions Nick's intentions with Corinne.

Last but not least, Nick goes to Canada to meet Vanessa's family. They are concerned that Nick is not going to move to Canada to be with her, and Vanessa tries to convince them that their relationship is real. However, she gets worried when she finds out that Nick is asking everyone's parents for their hand in marriage.

The episode ends with a "to be continued with..." after Andi Dorfman showed up at Nick's hotel room.

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The Bachelor Season 21 Episode 8 Quotes

Corinne, I could not be more excited to meet Raquel.


Raven: I was worried that he was going to be a little arrogant.
Raven's mom: That's what I thought.