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Sheldon has two tickets to the Aquarium for Thanksgiving, but no one wants to go. He decides to tell Amy she can take the tickets, but Amy suggests they try going together as friends.

Leonard and Penny are excited for their first Thanksgiving together as a married couple, and Leonard says it makes him feel very grown up. When Penny tries to log on to his iPad, Leonard realizes that Penny doesn't know his birthday. He then tells her all the things he knows about her, only to accidentally reveal that he's read her journal.

Howard, Bernadette, Raj, and Emily go to the soup kitchen to volunteer, and are turned away at first, much to Howard's delight. Then the manager comes back and and says they need volunteers after all. Bernadette is glad about this, but Howard is disappointed that he has to wash dishes. That is, until one of his idols shows up to wash dishes as well.

Sheldon and Amy enjoy their time at the aquarium. Amy calls Sheldon later and tells him she'd like to try being his girlfriend again. Sheldon responds that it was hard for him to get over her, and he thinks that it's better if they just stay friends.

The Big Bang Theory
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The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 9 Quotes

If there were a list of things that make me more comfortable, a list would be at the top of that list.


How many grown ups do you know with Mr. Spock oven mitts?
