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A group of guys break out of somewhere.

Cat delivers breakfast to one of Scottie's conquests.

Scottie shows up at the site where the guys broke out. It's a blacksite prison where five inmates escaped. The CIA gives her what she needs.

Nez reports on the five escapees who are terrorists. The team makes a plan.

Nez gets some drugs from her guy. Is it coke?

Someone is giving information to Scottie about Christopher. Tom walks in. He has information for Scottie. Nez reports that it was a prison break.

Nez and Tom get the truck driver who crashed into the wall from the hospital. As they wheel him out, he takes off and gets hit by a car and dies.

Back at HQ Tom texts Howard that Scottie knows who adopted him. Solomon is giving him information.

Nez shows up with information about some of the escapees. Dumont comes in and says he might've found a line on one of the fugitives.

Tom and Solomon go to the apartment. They find some people tied up. There are a couple of fugitives in the apartment. They pull guns on Tom and Solomon. The cops are on the way and they need to get out before the cops show up.  The cops s how up and Tom is still there. He opens the door. The cops want to come in and they have to work fast to come up with some information to assuage the cops so Solomon pretends he's a plumber. They start to argue and the cops leave. 

Manhattan is on lockdown, but they haven't told the public why. 

Scottie tells the team that three of the five guys are back in custody. The leader of the bunch is still out there. 

Tom meets Howard in the park. Tom tries to tell him about what Scottie knows and Howard only wants to talk about Whitehall. He also gives him information about the case they're working on.

Scottie gives Solomon a job.

The team is working to find Brian Mayhew who is a hacker type. He attacks a guy in a hotel room.

Dumont meets with his brother to ask his brother for help. the brother doesn't help. But he gets the information anyway and the team finds the site where he was at and watching a guy named Adler.

Nez and Tom question the wife. They think he's been target because he's one of seven Internet key holders.

Dumont tells the group about the ceremony and the team works to get into the ceremony before the terrorist gets one of the master keys.

Mayhew was trying to steal the NSA backup.

Scottie tells Cat she thinks she found Christopher.  Scottie goes to Christopher's adoptive parents house.

Mayhew is talking to Nez and Tom about what he was doing. They are ambushed. 

Scottie learns the boy he thought was her son wasn't.

Tom and Nez learn why Mayhew wanted the backup from the NSA files. They are trying to escape, but there is a group of armed guys searching for them.

Mahew is released. One of the security guys is arrested.

Tom gets a text that Scottie met the adoptive parents. 

Solomon is following Tom who's moving through cabs to get to Howard.

Scottie is with Trevor.  She leaves him money. Cat is having text conversation with Trevor.

Howard is telling Tom about how he tricked Scottie and why he wants information about Whitehall.






The Blacklist: Redemption
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The Blacklist: Redemption Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Solomon: What? You call the police 'cause you saw a black man in your apartment?
Tom: Hey. Whoa. That is not accurate.
Solomon: Go ahead lock me up right here, right now. What's the maximum sentence for fixing a racist man's sink?

Tom: So in addition to your charming personality, you're also an enemy combatant.
Solomon: Whoa. Wrong place, wrong time.
Tom: Whatever you got to tell yourself.