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Kat is waiting for Adena to return to NY, and she is almost there before she gets detained once she arrives and is told that she has to go home. Adena calls Kat to warn her and then stops answering the phone, so Kat buys a first class ticket and goes to the airport.

They meet and spend the entire night together. First they go on a date at the first class lounge and then sleep together. The next morning Kat plans to board the plane with Adena but at the last minute can't. Adena tells her it is okay, that she should have adventures for herself and shouldn't push herself to do what she isn't ready for.

Sutton asks Alex if she can style him for his new feature on genderless clothing. When Trump ends up in the restaurant next door to them, Sutton and Alex get really drunk waiting for it to be safe to leave. Richard calls Sutton back but she doesn't pick up. By the end of the night Sutton ends up going home with Alex and sleeping with him. 

She wakes up the next morning to new messages from Richard and seems unsure about what she should do with Alex.

Jane is still not sure if she should leave Scarlet or not. She makes a list and talks it over with everyone but can't make up her mind. Ryan calls her to tell her that he got fired, and they end up spending time at Scarlet while they wait out Trump. They share some moments but then Ryan leaves and Jane still doesn't know where this leaves her.

She leaves her notebook on Jacqueline's desk and wants to get it back, with a few conversations in between that make her wonder if Jacqueline saw the list. Eventually Jane calls Incite and says she is taking the job.

The Bold Type
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