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Sutton is put in charge of a shoot by Oliver, she has to find a good photographer and make sure the photos come out as requested. She has someone in mind and then Kat asks if Adena could be considered. This would be a job that could help Adena stay in the US with her visa, but Sutton isn't sure if Adena is right for this project.

Kat continues to ask Sutton to consider it and Sutton decides that she will take the risk. Still, during the shoot, Adena starts to plan photos and ways to make it more like her photography. This doesn't sit well with Sutton who talks to Kat about how this isn't working for her, especially since this is a huge opportunity and she can't risk it. 

Adena overhears and talks it over with Sutton, they decide to take the photos that were asked and then have some fun with a body positivity shoot that focuses on the natural aspect. Oliver ends up loving Sutton's idea and Kat and Adena talk more about what is going on.

Adena explains to Kat that her friends matter to her and she shouldn't be between them, Adena completely understands how important these relationships are. 

Meanwhile, Jane is trying to find work but no one will hire her. She pitches a story to one website and ends up seeing the doctor from before to speak about health care. They bond and she watches how much he does every day because he wants to help people, not because of the money.

Jane decides to go back to Scarlet and ask for her job back, Jacqueline said she could make it happen but won't. She thinks Jane needs to live in the fear of not having a safety net for a while longer and jane leaves upset.

Jacqueline struggles with Cleo about her magazine outline, which inspires her to start writing again. 

The Bold Type
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The Bold Type Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Turns out TIny Jane is not so good at being unemployed.


Kat: How's it going?
Sutton: We're getting naked.