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-Jane has a date with her boobs.

-Sutton wants to get back in the saddle with Richard, but he wants to try to get pregnant again.

-Sutton pitches an idea for a fashion spread that highlights women's business attire over the ages that makes them feel empowered and sexy and Jacqueline want her to run point on it.

-Jane's piece centers around a DVF dress that made her mom feel powerful, prompting her to call her dad for a picture of her in it. 

-Kat's first podcast didn't go well so she decides she wants to ask Ava to do it.

-Sutton admits to Richard she isn't close to being ready.

-Ava turns down Kat because she doesn't think she could have a productive conversation with a conservative Republican. 

-Sutton asks Richard to freeze his sperm so there is no rush to have kids.

-Jane's dad brings her the picture of her mom, the actual DVF dress and some emotional support. 

-Richard is worried Sutton wants to wait too long and makes her promise to retry in the next five years.

-Kat goes to a Republican mixer to prove herself to Ava that she can have a healthy debate. 

-Jane's dad takes her "school supply" shopping.

-Jane gets frustrated with two women at the Republican mixer making homophobic comments and it convinces Ava to do the podcast.

-Ava admits to Kat she is a lesbian.

-Jane's dad encourages her view her breasts as a symbol of her life being saved.

-Jane agrees to be part of Sutton's photoshoot. 

-Kat calls the girl she is hooking up with, Ava by accident. 

-Sutton admits to Richard she doesn't want children. 


The Bold Type
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The Bold Type Season 4 Episode 14 Quotes

Jacqueline: How's that look?
Andrew: Good, good, very good.
Jacqueline: Ian took it. I'd forgotten how talented he is.
Andrew: Well, he has, like, the perfect subject.
Jacqueline: Thank you, Andrew.

Kat: Why are you naked, and why isn't he here?
Jane: My date is here. I'm dating my boobs, Kat.