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Jane shadows Jacqueline for the week and convinces Jacqueline she can handle a meeting on her own.

Jane does well at the meeting, leading Jacqueline to believe Jane is ready to take over as editor-in-chief permanently and that she may be ready to retire.

Jane is overwhelmed by work and rushes to attend a dinner with a famous singer.

She arrives late and can't get in to see the singer.

She ends up interviewing the singer's bodyguard.

Jacqueline shares the good news with Jane, and Jane is ecstatic.

Sutton starts therapy and explores the cause of her drinking.

She gets a message from Richard who wants to meet for dinner.

Richard gives Sutton the divorce papers in person, and Sutton drinks.

She later confides in her friends and therapist that she was undone by seeing Richard so happy, wondering if he's happier without her.

Sutton takes the brave step, signing the divorce papers and pouring out the alcohol in the apartment.

She goes to talk to Richard, who reveals he's started the adoption process.

They sleep together.

Kat looks for investers for Don't Turn Away and is caught off guard when Jacqueline wants to bring Don't Turn Away under the Scarlet umbrella.

Kat is hesitant, but Adena reminds her not to dismiss it just because Scarlet's a corporation.

Kat sets some demands, and Jacqueline agrees.

Kat shares the good news with Adena, and they sleep together.

The Bold Type
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The Bold Type Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Adena: You’re gonna take [Jacqueline] up on that, aren’t you?
Kat: I think she was just saying that to be nice.
Adena: No, Kat, she wasn’t just being nice. She was being Jacqueline, and Jacqueline knows a lot about building a magazine.
Kat: OK, I’ll talk to her.

Therapist: So what brings you here today?
Sutton: Well, a friend of mine noticed I’ve been drinking a lot, and my mom’s an alcoholic. I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting that. So I guess I’m just trying to get ahead of a potential problem.
Therapist: That’s very brave of you to do that.
Sutton: I’ve actually been doing really great. I love my job and my friends are amazing. I am getting divorced, but I’ve been through all the stages -- anger, sadness, denial. I threw a divorce party, which was actually really helpful.
Therapist: But you’re drinking too much.
Sutton: A couple of glasses a day. I mean who doesn’t have the occasional wild night, am I right?
Therapist: I’m not as concerned as how much you drink as what drives you to drink.
Sutton: ‘Cause it’s fun. I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it.