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A Russian stealth drone flew over the US and no one noticed. A similar one crash landed in China. The team's mission is to get to Mongolia to get to the drone for evidence before the Russians do to retrieve it.

Team lands in Mongolia and head towards the place where the drone crashed. They come to the village that we saw at the beginning of the hour. There are injured and dead people. 

They make friends with the villagers and learn that the drone crashed in China right near the border of Mongolia. Noah gives them the low down about China. There has to be a blackout in order for them to get to the drone. They head off to the border on horses.

They find tracks leading to where they're going. They have to make adjustments and head the rest of the way on foot.

Patricia meets with the Russian Ambassador. He tries to trick her into talking about Mongolia and Dalton's team. She plays it off, but he tells her if she has a team on the ground they will be killed. She calls Noah to talk it out and ends up figuring something out.

The team finds the convoy and Dalton presents an idea and they initiate the plan. Dalton hitches a ride with one of the trucks. The convoy stops after they hear a noise, but Dalton hides well and they continue on.

Dalton jumps out of the truck but is seen. He has no weapon and trouble brews when China shows up. Preach forces the team to continue with the plan while Dalton runs for his life.

He gets confronted by a Russian soldier. They fight. Dalton wins and he is on the run again with more Russians chasing after and shooting at him.

Dalton is okay and reunites with the team. The Chinese confront the Russians. Patricia and team are on edge because they haven't heard from Dalton and team when they finally see some signs of them. The team is back on their horses and check in with Patricia.

Noah and Hannah are headed home when Patricia gets a call. Before they get out, Patricia calls them back because they found something on the bug they planted on Booth from an earlier episode. Patricia is going to find out more information and then send Dalton and his team in. Meanwhile in Mongolia, Dalton and team ride off into the sunset.





The Brave
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The Brave Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

You three would make terrible spies. You'd be dead in a month, or "smoked" as you would say.


See you on the dark side of the moon.
