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Alice continued her pursuit of Ben, but she found herself debating whether to take some time off work, or not. She takes on a case of a man who was acquitted for killing his wife and it lead her to think about what Ben's next move could be. 

On the case, she had to find out who the real killer was, and Jeffrey did a good job of making it look like Peyton, but when Alice finds the stolen items, she realized that whomever it was didn't want to be found. 

Later, she went into the mansion to find evidence that pointed to Peyton, but instead she realized that Jeffrey was the real killer, but his new girlfriend knocked him down the stairs and killed him. 

Alice researched her painting to find out if it was real and it was. She tried to figure out what to do next, but Dahl kept popping up in her way and it led to her speaking to his boss. He later apologized to her, but stuck a bug on her door and listened to Alice place an obituary for a deceased person because she knows that's how he's stealing the identities. 

Margot and the team put a quick money plan in place.

The Catch
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