The Next Step - The Company You Keep
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Charlie and Emma continue their romance, though Charlie hasn't told his family about her yet. Ollie then catches Emma leaving his apartment one morning.

Later, Ollie tells the family about Emma, and Charlie invites Emma to a crab fest at the bar.

Charlie gets the family into a con with an old friend/conman Jones. He will sell a horse he doesn't own to his fiancee, take the money and disappear. But after detailing the con and meeting Jones' fiancee, Martha, Charlie decides they're instead going to take down Jones.

The family meets with Martha, playing up the angle of owning the horse before Birdie takes Martha aside and details Jones' deception. She then agrees to go along with the plan.

Daphne begins meeting with the Maguire's competition in an effort to gain partnerships. She later calls Connor, and he tells her she needs to make the money right.

David receives a call from Claire Fox, who warns that the party is thinking of pulling their support for him, but she can help.

Emma meets the Nicolettis and gets along with everyone but Birdie before the two play darts.

On the day of the race, the plan is to up the odds on the horse Martha will buy. Eventually, they get the odds to 4:1, meaning the horse is worth 2.5 million dollars. With Martha putting up 2 million, Jones kicks in the remaining amount.

Martha has second thoughts about Jones playing her, but after he refuses to back down from the purchase, she helps Birdie get into his phone so that she can re-route the money. After the sale is down, Jones leaves right away, and Charlie uses their portion of the funds to pay Daphne.

Birdie discovers Ollie put her tracker in Daphne's purse, and they discover her new dealings. They then call Connor, disguising Charlie's voice, to tell him what Daphne has been up to and that she's his sister.

Emma discovers that Daphne is making payments to Ireland, and they need to find her new money stream.

Charlie is kidnapped outside the bar and taken away in a van.

The Company You Keep
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The Company You Keep Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Birdie: Hey, Charlie. Martha Pope sounds like a saint.
Leo: But cooler.
Fran: The vibe on this one is bad, Charlie.
Leo: This isn't our kind of job, son.
Charlie: I agree. It's why we're not going after Martha. We're gonna take down the conman.

Okay, we gotta go see a guy about a horse.
