Meeting the Family - The Company You Keep
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Charlie finds himself hooked up to a lie detector machine and asked various questions. It's revealed that the CIA took him after seeing a flag in his background check. And with Emma looking on, Charlie discovers she's a CIA agent.

After giving them a suitable answer as to why he overstayed his visa in Central America (he was in jail), he is cleared.

When Charlie shows back up at the bar, he doesn't tell his worried family what happened.

David tells Emma to invite Charlie to his fundraising party to meet the family.

Connor surprises Daphne in the states, as he's beaten up one of the rivals she was working with. He tells her he's there to be in charge and admits he knows she's Maguire's daughter.

When Daphne comes looking for payment, Charlie says he can get her ten million through one job and asks if they can be even. She agrees, and he tells the family they're moving forward with the Yacht con.

Charlie admits to Leo that he never wanted to go straight before meeting Emma. And they work together to devise a plan to steal the money from a yacht during a high-stakes poker game.

Knowing Connor is in town, Emma knows they must identify Daphne's revenue stream.

Daphne meets with Connor and details her plans for the business. She tells him she wants to work together and steal from their rivals.

The Nicoletti's work on the yacht con, first sending Charlie in as a gun runner named Ernesto, who catches the eyes of Robert, who eventually invites him to the poker event on the sea.

Charlie meets the Hills at the fundraising event and is almost made by Robert, a guest there. And while he charms Grace, Joe tells Charlie he wants better for Emma.

At the event, Claire Fox introduces David to a woman he'd like to join his campaign.

The yacht con is on with Birdie and Fran working as waitresses and Leo as a dealer. After cloning the guard's phone, Birdie sends him a text which leads him to believe his baby is coming. He then abandons the money room, allowing Charlie, Birdie, and Fran to slip in and grab the money.

With the diversion of sending a boat out into the water, Fran and Birdie take the money out through their carts.

Connor meets with Seamus and demands to know where Daphne gets her money.

Emma and Vik trail Connor, realizing he's soon headed out of town.

On the way to give Daphne the money, Charlie is stopped by Connor and his men. Connor takes the money from Charlie, unaware that Emma and Vic are watching from nearby. Emma glances at Charlie's face as he drives away, but he has a ski mask on.

Later, Charlie tells his family he thinks he may have been made, and Emma visits him, excited about the break in her case and seemingly unaware Charlie is Daphne's revenue stream.

The Company You Keep
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The Company You Keep Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Charlie: She doesn't know about this side of me, Pop.
Leo: What side of you? You are a stand-up guy. And stand-up guys take care of their families.They do what needs to be done.

Cas: Now you know his secret.
Emma: Yeah. Just wonder how he'll feel about mine.