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A young woman is accused of murder when footage shows her shooting someone. 

But we saw her not doing anything wrong and being pursued by a group of men. 

She finds herself trying to get a passport to escape the country, but the men try to attack her, leading to Robin taking her on. 

Robin tries to find out the truth, but she learns that there's more to this tale than meets the eye. 

The young girl is taken into custody when she attends her college interview. 

Robin learns that the plan is for her to be the scapegoat and for her to be killed when she is transferred to county jail. 

Robin and her team break her free and prove her innoccence. 

The cast allows Robin to come to a realization that she loves helping people, even if her back is against the wall and she's dealing with some things. 

She activates an app that allows people to contact her if they require assistance, and she finds her calling in life again. 

She also has to deal with her daughter, who is breaking rules, stealing dresses, and just being a teenager, so she makes her work at a jail doing volunteering. 

The Equalizer
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The Equalizer Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Dmitri: Say hello.
Jewel: Let go of me.

Dmitri: Who the hell are you?
Robin: Neighborhood watch.