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Robyn is asked to work with the CIA again.

She agrees after Bishop says it could be the thing that helps her get off their list.

But she isn't told anything about the man she's told to pursue.

She learns that he has an app that can hack any system in the world.

Harry says that they should kill him because he could kill the world.

Robyn makes a deal with Bishop to give him a new life in Canada, but she's not concerned about Nash.

Nash intercepts and kills Dorian, but we later learn it was all staged and Bishop did not double-cross Robyn.

Robyn is caught with Dorian by Delilah who thinks there's stuff her mother is lying about.

Dorian is given a new life as Robyn wonders whether her daughter will be an issue going forward.

The Equalizer
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The Equalizer Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Dorian: Who are you?
Robyn: I told you, I get people to where they need to be.

Robyn: I'm done with you guys now.
Nash: This is your fault. You went rogue and we had to step in. You have an outstanding debit that we look forward to collecting.